Monday, November 7, 2016

House Minimalis Figure 10 Minimalist Modern Tropical

Small Minimalist House Design Figure 10 Minimalist Modern Tropical -

Indonesia is an archipelago of tropical climates. The climate in Indonesia is composed of two types of seasons, summer and rainy season. If you plan to buy or even make your own dream home with the family, you have to consider the shape and design of your home adapted to the tropical climate of Indonesia. Climate and weather conditions may affect the durability and beauty of the exterior of your home. Certainly you would not want the house you buy or do you wake up quickly broken and the look is not pretty anymore because cuaca.Namun inedible if you are confused imagine what kind of house that can survive in climates sustainable tropical, you can refer to picture tropical minimalist home you can see the pictures on this site.

10 modern tropical minimalist Figure

Gambar Rumah Minimalis Tropis Modern (1)

in the tropical minimalist house picture we can see that the minimalist design comfortably inhabited by your family. In addition, key attributes of their precarious homes that are designed to protect your house against the sun and rain that hit. The heat and rain that hit the house without the precarious turns causes the walls of the house quickly cracked and mossy

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Gambar Rumah Minimalis Tropis Modern (2) Gambar Rumah Minimalis Tropis Modern (3)

This is my favorite tropical minimalist home. The combination of colors brown, dark gray and light gray look so perfect.

Gambar Rumah Minimalis Tropis Modern (4)

In addition, to cope with the scorching summer on the house of tropical minimalist design image has a garden with a variety of trees relatively high. It is intended to provide shade to your dwelling as well as provide the oxygen supply costs obtained from the results of shade plants photosynthesis. So you and the women and children of your beloved will feel at home playing in the yard outside the house without direct tingling hot sun and can feel the breeze of fresh trees.

Gambar Rumah Minimalis Tropis Modern (5)

House minimalist elegance by wearing wooden fence pattern and chandelier in the front of the house are superb

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Gambar Rumah Minimalis Tropis Modern (6)

Gambar Rumah Minimalis Tropis Modern (7)

light and air vents on the tropical minimalist house picture window was specially designed for the house get enough light and air. In some cases, the house, the design does not reflect this, so the house feels stuffy and even at noon the house needed light for illumination. If this happens your own loss, you have to spend extra money to pay the electricity bills that you use for lighting during the day.

Gambar Rumah Minimalis Tropis Modern (8)

The use of painting the walls a soft and mini beautiful park. It has become a concept of minimalist home that features a green garden to the front and rear of the house.

Gambar Rumah Minimalis Tropis Modern (9)

This is a picture of modern tropical minimalist house in a residential complex. One of the advantages of the house in the complex is that you can enjoy a cool atmosphere, beautiful, and safe.

Gambar Rumah Minimalis Tropis Modern (10)

So if you want a house you stay, stay beautiful and comfortable home, do not forget to consider the time factor in the design of your home in reference to design tropical minimalist house image .

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