Saturday, November 26, 2016

House Minimalis 18 Modern Minimalist Living Sensation

Small Minimalist House Design 18 Modern Minimalist Living Sensation -

minimalist living room is modern and comfortable would be the dream of all the inhabitants of the house. However, to get a comfortable lounge and modern decoration turn requires say to your inner arranged in a neat and attractive look. The room decor includes many things, from painting walls, worn furniture and room accessories are used. We discussed in previous posts: Come decorate your living room Alone Now

One way to decorate the easiest and profitable is to rearrange placement of furniture and furnishings in your living room, it would create the printing and the new atmosphere in your room. And do not forget when redecorating your living room, store or dispose of items that are no longer used. It is a great effect, especially for a small house so that your interior is more spacious and comfortable.

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living room is modern and pleasing to the eye would be a pride for the owners because the living room is the first room that is visible to customers who visit. In addition, you also spend time with your family in this room watching television and snacks (even hours). Well, making a living and comfortable plush, it will make your time more enjoyable rest and quality

We will give a list of furniture which is expected to create a minimalist living room is modern and beautiful .

  • Sofa minimalism is the primary furniture in the living room creates a nuanced minimalist. Read: 10 Unique Minimalist Design Sofa
  • minimalist buffet. What we'll cover in the next article. Awaited yes
  • Mejamungil in the middle of the square to bring snacks / drinks.
  • window. Must have at least installed a window in the living room and two in your home for air circulation in the room and your home still fresh and cool
    Info :. Use blinds to close the sun shining on the material wood furniture. Because wood is often tersinar bright sunlight will be more easily damaged

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accessories that can be added as a sweetener :.

  • Vas flowers. Vase as a flavor enhancer, when your eyes are tired from watching TV or reading a book, you can refresh your eyes looking at the vase in the living room minimalist.
  • Decoration or family photos on the walls (quite a price for a small house)

agree above are lists and things you need to consider in the design of a modern minimalist living room and luxurious. Please enjoy the modern minimalist living room image below and the most important is to note the installation of furniture, the color harmony of the walls with the color of furniture, and the use of furniture minimalist and comfortable.

Cekidot minimalist lover!



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After seeing 18 design minimalist Living modern and comfortable there is certainly no reason for you not to make decorations like above drawings and buy furniture is minimalist and attractive

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