After sharing previously about type and the type of cement According to the functionality and usefulness? And how to calculate the bricks need to build houses for the moment we will share about advantages and disadvantages of materials, masonry, brick red namely, limestone, brick and brick hebel or Celcon each ingredient certainly has its advantages and disadvantages. The house is solid and strong, ie shelter for sustainable construction and long term.
The wall is part of the construction of a very important role for building construction. The walls are formed and protect the entire building content both in terms of construction and in terms of art buildings. Raw wall manufacture of building materials is distinguished by:
brick wall is the wall that is most widely used in the construction of buildings both simple buildings, housing, or large buildings. therefore, the brick walls has its own art in the installation system.
1. brick wall
The bricks are bricks that is printed and then burned at high temperature so that it becomes completely dry, hardened and reddish color. Land used was not only earth, but rather a clay soil that can be merged during the printing process. Therefore, the house whose walls are built of red brick material will feel more comfortable and cool. In addition to a more robust and strong and durable, it rarely happens walls built of red brick rift materials.
This material is heat resistant so it can be a pleasure for your building protection against fire hazards. Not all of the clay can be used, only consisting of a specific content of the sand. Red brick generally have a length of 17-23 cm, 7-11 cm wide, 3-5 cm thick. Its small size offers ease of transportation, it can be used to form small areas, cheap, easy to obtain.
The raw materials needed for the installation of red brick walls are cement and sand sifter. When the installation requires no special adhesive, water-resistant wall necessary for a mixture of 1: 2 or 1: 3 (ie 1 dose of cement mixed with 3 doses of sieved sand). As for the wall that is not to be waterproof able to use a ratio of 1: 4 to 1: 6.
Red Brick Specifications:
• Dry Density: 1500 kg / m3
• normal Weight: 00 kg / m3
• compressive strength: 2.5 to 25 N / mm? (SII-0021.1978)
• thermal conductivity: 0.380 W / mK
• Species Thickness: 20-30 mm
• Fire resistance: 2 hours
• Number (required) bricks red by 1 m2: 30-35 pieces without construction waste
Excess red Brick
Disadvantages Red Brick
The walls are widely used dipedasaan, popular house, railing, or houses.
The wall is part of the construction of a very important role for building construction. The walls are formed and protect the entire building content both in terms of construction and in terms of art buildings. Raw wall manufacture of building materials is distinguished by:
brick wall is the wall that is most widely used in the construction of buildings both simple buildings, housing, or large buildings. therefore, the brick walls has its own art in the installation system.
1. brick wall
The bricks are bricks that is printed and then burned at high temperature so that it becomes completely dry, hardened and reddish color. Land used was not only earth, but rather a clay soil that can be merged during the printing process. Therefore, the house whose walls are built of red brick material will feel more comfortable and cool. In addition to a more robust and strong and durable, it rarely happens walls built of red brick rift materials.

This material is heat resistant so it can be a pleasure for your building protection against fire hazards. Not all of the clay can be used, only consisting of a specific content of the sand. Red brick generally have a length of 17-23 cm, 7-11 cm wide, 3-5 cm thick. Its small size offers ease of transportation, it can be used to form small areas, cheap, easy to obtain.
The raw materials needed for the installation of red brick walls are cement and sand sifter. When the installation requires no special adhesive, water-resistant wall necessary for a mixture of 1: 2 or 1: 3 (ie 1 dose of cement mixed with 3 doses of sieved sand). As for the wall that is not to be waterproof able to use a ratio of 1: 4 to 1: 6.
Red Brick Specifications:
• Dry Density: 1500 kg / m3
• normal Weight: 00 kg / m3
• compressive strength: 2.5 to 25 N / mm? (SII-0021.1978)
• thermal conductivity: 0.380 W / mK
• Species Thickness: 20-30 mm
• Fire resistance: 2 hours
• Number (required) bricks red by 1 m2: 30-35 pieces without construction waste
Excess red Brick
- Waterproof, infiltration so rare in the walls due to the rain
- does not require special skills to install.
- for the small size, it is easy to transport.
- Easy to set up small field
- cheap prices
- easy access
- glue does not need to be special.
- Heat-resistant, so it can be protected against fire.
Disadvantages Red Brick
- It is difficult to neat masonry
- absorbs heat in summer and absorb cold winter, so the room temperature can not be conditioned or unstable.
- Tends to be more extravagant in the use of adhesive material.
- quality is less diverse and also the size that rarely make the same waste could recover.
- Because it is difficult to get a couple pretty clean, it takes pelsteran thick enough to produce the walls were pretty average.
- When installing more than all the other wall materials.
- weight, weighing and the support structure.
- red brick pose a significant burden on the building structure.
The walls are widely used dipedasaan, popular house, railing, or houses.

The advantages of the use of limestone
- prices limestone walls are very cheap
- installation times faster and use less mortar sand
- when already plastered wall are not visible from the ground or chalk
Disadvantages of the use of limestone
- These walls require a column virtually every 2.5 m
3. brick Wall
adobe wall material is usually made from a mixture of cement and coarse sand molded or pressed solid . In addition, it is also made of a mixture of rock tras, lime and water. Even now circulating brick from a mixture of cement, sand and batubara.?
In making material as has been mentioned, this Brick disadvantage a lower resistance of red brick, it tends wall cracks occur, especially if the empty part of its not filled spesi.?[1945007mortier]

the use of brick for the wall material also make even more hot stuffy and hot trend buildings, unlike the red bricks on the ground. Brick or brick press 1 m2 usually tend to be sweeter than the red brick. Its texture also looks more refined, and its size is more accurate than the red brick.
adobe press in general is the length of 36-40 cm, 8-10 cm thick and 18-20 cm high. For wall 1 m2, approximately need 15 pieces of brick press. Usually adobe press have to lighten the load on a building structure, accelerate implementation and minimize material waste that occurs during the installation process of the wall.
The raw materials used for the installation of brick is near. mortar whose composition is cement (PC) and sand sifter
Specifications brick Press:
• Dry-type weight (?): 950 kg / m3
• normal density (?): 1000 kg / m3
• compressive strength: 5.5 N / mm
• thermal conductivity: 0.339 W / mK
• thickness of species: 20-30 mm
• fire resistance: 4 hours
• Number (required) brick press for 1 m2: 20-25 pieces without Construction waste
Press brick wall surplus:
- Every couple m2 walls, requiring less building block relative to the bricks aid, which quantitatively means there is a discount.
- making it easy and sizes can be made equal.
- size is large, so that the time and cost of installation is also more efficient.
- perforated specific types, it can function as an insulating air.
- If working properly, need not be plastered.
- More easily cut for a particular connection that requires cuts.
- Before the user does not need to be soaked with water.
- Waterproof so very few opportunities for water infiltration.
- installs faster.
- the use of concrete frame pengakunya wider, between 9-12 m2.
Disadvantages press brick wall :.
- easy living cracks in the walls
- easy perforated and easily broken because there is a hole in the side of it.
- Less good for thermal and sound insulation.
4. Stone Wall Light (Celcon or Hebel)
Many of us are familiar with this type of stone, brick light, or often called Celcon or Hebel performed with factory machines. This brick is quite soft, smooth and have a good degree of flatness. This lightweight brick was created to ease the load on a building construction structure, accelerate implementation and minimize waste material which occurs in the wall during the process of installation. Then the outstanding issues is whether the community would have been able to replace the light brick red brick both a price review, strength, ease of it, motode of installation and other . To be deeper, we'll surgical one-on-one so that we can know the strengths and weaknesses of each.
Bata Hebel / Celcon done by machines in factories. brick walls hebel / Celcon is building the quality of materials forming the high quality wall. are no brick sale of such material on the agent or shop. But book in advance

general size are :. Length 60 cm, height 20 cm with a thickness of between 8 cm -10 cm. The mixture or composition of the material consists of quartz sand, cement, lime, a little gypsum, water and aluminum paste as a developer (air filler is chemically). After the dough is mixed perfectly, will rise for 7-8 hours. For installation on a wall of 1 m2, roughly need 8 pieces of light brick.
Installation of light brick is quite easy, can be directly given acian without plastered advance using special cement. special cement mixture just need to be given water. However, the installation of light brick can also use sand and cement that the installation of brick, brick and press the red brick
Specifications Bata Lightweight:.
• Dry Density: 520 kg / m3
• Normal Weight: 650 kg / m3
• compressive strength:> 4.0 N / mm2
• thermal conductivity: 0.14 W / mK
• thickness of species: 3 mm
• fire resistance: 4 hours
• Number (required ) bricks are light per 1 m2: 8-9 pieces without construction waste
Excess Bata light :.
- has the size and uniform quality to generate the walls are immaculate.
- Not requiring thickness distribution to save the use of adhesives.
- lighter than ordinary brick far to load on the structure.
- transportation easier.
- implementation is faster than using the ordinary brick.
- Not required plastering thick, generally determined only 2.5 cm.
- Waterproof, so there is little possibility of water infiltration.
- Have kekedapan sounds good.
- compression is high resistance.
- has good resistance to earthquakes.
Disadvantages light Bata:
- because of its great size for the size of the debt, threw else about
- special glue .. in general, it is the instant cement, which is now available in the field.
- It takes special skills to install, because otherwise its impact is very visible.
- When exposed to water, then dry completely be required longer time than ordinary brick.
- price is relatively more expensive than the red brick.
- it is difficult to get it, just a hardware store that sold light brick.
- sale was in volume (m3) were great.
from the description above, we can conclude that each material has its advantages and disadvantages. brick press is a kind of wall covering material is the lightest and cost based on a review of costs, but has drawbacks such as not too well over the noise. While the conventional brick severe enough to indirectly affect the factor of the load structure. Although this light brick benefits such as more jobs are clean and precise, does not require much mortar spesinya but the price is relatively more expensive than brick and ordinary brick.
Source: and http: //
Image: google image
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