Monday, October 31, 2016

House Minimalis House Paint Colors for Girls

Small Minimalist House Design House Paint Colors for Girls -

Today, we will discuss a lot about room paint colors , especially for girls. Children's room had to be designed so that the child can feel comfortable while in the comfort of the bedroom. In addition to the selection room furniture that must be considered, the selection of paint colors should also be given special attention. Moreover, the rooms of girls tend to like bright colors. Here are some tips on choosing paint colors for the room that you can apply at home.

House paint colors for girls

The girls generally prefer the distinctive character or the behavior, interests or attitudes. Included in the selection of the color of the room to paint from the arrangement of furniture, trinkets used to ornament. In stark contrast to the boys in general. Since the selection of paint colors for the bedroom, it becomes comfortable. Usually the color of paint for the girls' room almost equally between children each other. They tend to fit the character is gay, female or cut.

favorite colors include pink or pink. This color will provide synergies for them became more enthusiastic in the movement. Because paint colors bright occupants will be more cheerful. In addition to the pink color, the paint color for girls who become favorite color is purple. The purple color gives the impression modern against the owner of the room, but still looks cool. The purple color also gives the impression of neatness and cleanliness in girls. However, for those who do not like too feminine colors like pink and purple, they can choose a light blue color, because color will give the impression of freshness.

So, before choosing a paint color bedrooms, especially for girls. We recommend that you identify in advance the character of the child, so you are not wrong to design a room that suits the child's personality. Because of the comfortable rooms, it will help the child to come with creative ideas and the child becomes more confident. Hopefully this article can be useful to the reader to determine room paint colors for your baby.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

House Minimalis 15 Model 2016 Roof Design Minimalist Home Beautiful

Small Minimalist House Design 15 Model 2016 Roof Design Minimalist Home Beautiful -

The roof is one of the building materials that have an important role in the protection of houses and buildings from the hot sun and rain .

Generally, many models skyline minimalist design which applied at home. However, many people are still confused selection.

Basically, the function of the roof of the house is minimalist to keep rain water and sunlight into the house directly, but the concept of style that will be applied of course the home owner determines, while the shape of the roof of a minimalist house has a variety of diversity.

15 roof model minimalist home Beautiful 2016

In general, everyone minimalist roof models like style to beautify his house to ensure occupant comfort.

thus, homeowners and architectures vying to design the house with a simple, modern style. With an area have limitations do not hesitate to make a minimalist home.

Upstairs is generally designed using modern tropical elements. So you and your family will have a home that is comfortable according to the climate in your country.

minimalist floor roofs Model 1 is a model of the roof of a minimalist house that consists of a single floor. This model is very simple and minimalist but still beautiful

Many minimalist models 1st floor roofs sloping fully or only partially roof. It is used for anything other than to protect homes and residents a dangerous thing, but is used to maintain the beauty between the roof and the shape of the house.

But if you use a model house roof comprising minimalist one floor and the roof of the general architectural design with models overlap is a model roof for the house of modern and minimalist style.

is now available for many types of simple house minimalist roof models or a luxurious modern appearance.

Making the roof of a minimalist home is made of glass, clay, asbestos, fibers and combines the tile.

many variations including facilitating the home makers to adjust to his favorite creative ideas that combine with attractive colors make the house pleasant to the eye and aesthetic value high.

therefore, from now design minimalist design home and adjust roofs with any design that you create so that when the creation and the completion to make you happy with the home you have.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

House Minimalis 12 Minimalist Dining Room Design Collection Belle

Small Minimalist House Design 12 Minimalist Dining Room Design Collection Belle -

gambar ruang makan minimalis (13)

The dining room is not only a place to eat and fill the stomach, but a gathering place and feel the heat of unity in the family.

House is the most special. Even if you like to travel far to many beautiful places in the world, but a return is always at home. Once you are happy to explore new places, you will always be remembered home. The house has an important role where you can relax or spend time with family. Similarly, the model of minimalist dining room . Not only the minimalist model homes that are now popular family of Indonesia, dining room minimalism was in great demand

12 Design Dining Minimalist Beautiful

gambar ruang makan minimalis (6)
editor's Pick :. the dining room is simple but very attractive and beautiful. The use of the elegant texture wood table with black chairs are aligned and fit. Exceptional!

Have a Dream comfortable home is the dream of everyone. So no wonder so many families to design the house for detail. In fact, they are willing to spend on the services of an architect to ask for help. No exception minimalist dining room.

gambar ruang makan minimalis (2)

gambar ruang makan minimalis (1)

Like what is the simple minimalist style dining room that you can choose for your space to eat? Yes, we will discuss it. The concept of a minimalist home can be seen in terms of color combinations and a defined medium required.

gambar ruang makan minimalis (3) gambar ruang makan minimalis (4)

room design minimalist single room can be seen in terms of color options. Choose a wall color can evoke a feeling, with bright colors or muted. However, for those of you who love the retro style, could have been, but add a little bright color so that the room is more pleasing to the eye.

gambar ruang makan minimalis (5)

gambar ruang makan minimalis (7)

gambar ruang makan minimalis (8)

additionally, the selection of furniture is a table and chairs. Select the tables and chairs are simple and light so easily moved, as well as a unique model. Dimensions of the table has been adapted to the needs of families. The room tables minimalist tend to be too big, but looks elegant in terms of combinations of colors and shapes that resemble tiny.

gambar ruang makan minimalis (9)
dining chair that is simple but unique

to counter the materials used are not the thirst wood, you can create a glass table so the table looks cleaner and there is dirt to be easily seen later cleared.

gambar ruang makan minimalis (10)
Glass Table

Design of the dining room is minimalist, you should not base dark because dark colors Engage the 'appetite.

gambar ruang makan minimalis (11) gambar ruang makan minimalis (12)

in dinging you can add embellishments or sculpture shaped green leaves that look fresh when you look and make your appetite increase. Bak outdoor dining. Hopefully this review may help you are looking for design inspiration for the dining room.

Friday, October 28, 2016

House Minimalis Consider this before mambangun Home

Small Minimalist House Design Consider this before mambangun Home -
As the first display this time we will share the factors that must be considered before building a house or buy a house, so we feel more sorry later, because once we build a house means that we will install it for a long time, some of the following may be able to make materials for your consideration ...

1. location
If you have the freedom to choose the location, it is good to consider the following questions:
vulnerability to flooding
the flooding is the main enemy away, some we agreed that we are prepared to our house flooded every rainy season because it is a good idea to investigate the rivers around the area that we are building, whether near the river every year prone to flooding or flood-prone items.
Furthermore, there is also a good idea that you know the height of the ground level and from the height of the surrounding location, the flood could be derived not only from the river, but everywhere in our homes if the height of the location of our house is lower than the surrounding land.

elimination channel drains you should also consider, if it rains heavy one of the most effective ways is to drain standing water through the provision of gutters, if you settled on a house in a residential safe working properly obtained.

general facilities
strategic location is a location close to public facilities such as; markets, convenience stores, schools, hospitals, places of worship and public transport, because we once occupied dream home we will also bring their wives and children, so we need mengakomudir their interests, woman near the market and supermarket routines so this is very worthy of consideration. Similarly Rutinas with our children was due to the location of our children's schools are not so far away, so it is very easy to reach.

This is no less important because there are times when your home we are currently on site prone to theft? So before choosing a good idea to first ask in people who have long inhabited the area.

2. Design House
Design House will be the choice of homes we need to get more attention, due to errors in the design will affect the function of the house and its aesthetic value, if you do not understand the world of design, it is wonderful that you use the services of third parties to comply design with the aspirations of all family members.

3. Budget Plan
It is not unusual or extraordinary, if we build a house costs or even exceed the figures are far from the RAB we anticipated earlier, this is due to RAB not thought, and this is usually directly proportional changing the conception that we have agreed.

RAB must also comply with the financial capacity of the family, the use of third party services, namely financial institutions capital loans may be an option, provided that we have the ability to pay the mortgage and trying to leave for reasons of routines.

Image source: Google

Thursday, October 27, 2016

House Minimalis The easy way to calculate Bricks Needs

Small Minimalist House Design The easy way to calculate Bricks Needs -
To calculate the need for bricks in making the house very easily, the first step, we must first measure the length and width bricks, but most of the size of a brick is 25 cm long and 10 cm wide with a thickness of 5 cm, this size is a standard size for the Java zone, there are also other areas of different sizes. There are also some artisans new bricks manufactured with a length of 20, width 10 and a thickness of 5 cm

Now let's calculate the need for bricks using standard brick of the size of the second is 20 cm long, 10 cm wide and 5 cm thick. using bricks of this size in 1 M2 require a lot of bricks
70 parts.

Thus, we can calculate a room 3 meters long, 3 meters wide with a height of 3 meters, and from the means the chamber we get four rectangular dimensions 3 mx 3 m, the volume of work the room is 4 X 3M X 3M = 36 M2, so that we can count 36 X 70 = 2,520, meaning the bricks necessary for the space as much as 2,520 parts.

source: google image

for a given area using the size of bricks 25 cm long, 10 cm wide and 5 cm thick in a square mater requires 56 bricks. using models such calculations above, the need for bricks a workpiece can be easily calculated.

For rooms that have irregular shapes can also use kaedah wake mathematical formula, for example, triangular space, the trapezoidal space, rooms were shaped roundabout.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

House Minimalis Experience in Modern Build House Single

Small Minimalist House Design Experience in Modern Build House Single -
Build a dream home with the modern minimalist concept should not be expensive, so before building a house, there is careful planning coupled with a little patience and careful not impossible that you will have a house that you should be proud. In this case, you must integrate the house is simple but with a modern look and high aesthetic value.

If you collide with the cost of building a house, you are faced with the choice minimalist house, minimalist home is false an option to get home Hunia that can represent all desires of your family, even if simple house does not neglect the aspects of comfort and appearance and function of every corner of the house.

minimalist home could be an option to be able to save money building dream home you, then you still have a chance to use the remaining funds for other purposes, namely for fill the inside of the house, such as furniture, furniture, home accessories or even the garden and the closing of your home.

Here are some tips to build a simple house of minimalist concept

1. Budget
the determination of the budget to build a house occupies a very important position, in the existing budget and allocate funds on certain items is the first step wise, there are several examples from the allocation you need akomodir such as cost construction of the house, the cost of buying furniture and home appliances as well as the budget for the construction of the fence, and only after it was determined the design of the house with the layout in the needs of family members.

2. Needs
As mentioned previously, although with limited funds you need to meet all the needs of your family members, as this will affect the layout and design of your home, such as the number of rooms to be built, how many bathrooms, and what place should have in your home.

3. Priority
With a budget that is not so, sometimes we face on a priority basis if the budget funds to build a house can not accommodate all the needs that you have written, you will build a space that occupies the priority scale, so that you get that is an important requirement and delayed.

4. Renovation of
Obviously you later undertake home remodeling your home because there were things that were previously delayed the development or face the need for a new room at the stage of initial development of the home, you should also think about the design of the renovation so that the renovation of the house are not changed your room layout that renovation costs are not too high.

5. Third Party
There are times when we need to use a third party consultant, choose a third party that is already very experienced in the design of the house or you can search for an image or design houses that meet the tastes of the family that can meet our needs using free internet services.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

House Minimalis Some causes swelling of the building or home improvement

Small Minimalist House Design Some causes swelling of the building or home improvement -
is almost certain that the construction or renovation of a cost of the house and away will swell the budget plan were made before, it seemed to be an event that is mundane and ordinary that there are some people in addition to the creation of the fund in accordance with the figures on the budget plan also set aside if the cost of building or renovating his house swells.

Although the cost overruns was theoretically can be minimized or even eliminated completely if we can understand the source of cost overruns, an overview of the causes of cost overruns is

  1. not create an image of the house are mature as a guide to build a house or a renovation, so this may cause their jobs disassembly because of the design and shape of the building are not in accordance with the wishes and tastes, it will certainly take a considerable cost, but if the removal will occur the image will be more effective.
  2. change of mind when purchasing building materials because we are more interested in building materials that are more qualified and attractive, of course, items purchased is not the same the type and brand of products that have been registered in the budget plan and certainly more expensive.
  3. construction or renovation of a house during the rainy season, heavy hujang dropped would have forced manufacturers to stop working outside the roof, so that work can be delayed and the development schedule increase.
  4. Select builders who are professional to produce a home with the proper quality of construction time for the time that was provided on the RAB
  5. Ensure safety and health of the artisans are taken seriously, however, accidents of the owner's responsibility, morally responsible and cost of treatment work.
  6. Before starting work on the construction or renovation of a home should consult RT or RW and surrounding communities, halu passage of vehicles carrying material may interfere with the surrounding community or it could damage the complex residential or township.
  7. and there are many other causes and if readers find other things that can cause swelling of the cost of building or renovating homes to be good enough to write in the comments section -Dessous so it can be helpful to other readers ...

Hopefully this article can simply be useful for all of us ...
Do not forget to input readers of this blog are we expected through the comments below ....

Monday, October 24, 2016

House Minimalis Getting to know the degree of roof slope Shelter

Small Minimalist House Design Getting to know the degree of roof slope Shelter -
Before building your dream home you also get to know how the degree level roof slope, the roof home these days is a party that also embellish the look of our homes but we can not mengeyampingkan main function of the roof itself.

main function of the roof of the house over to the content and its occupants protected from the rain and sun and helps the air circulation in the house, without careful planning the roof will fatal later, a drop of water dripping from the roof is a pernicious problem is serious, especially if we use the battens and wooden ceilings, further resulting in lath and ceiling loss would also leave stains on the ceiling of the House.

Tell us build a house without an engineering consultant, it is good to listen to the standard roof pitch by type and model of the roof we use ...

1. tiles
tiles are most widely used in Indonesia, especially Java, and the tiles of a roof type is more vulnerable to leaks, the recommended standard slope is the slope over 30 degrees, the average is made with 35-degree slope. If you want more sweet as this would require additional roof below, such as installing a thick plastic. Or if it is made more vertical that would require modernization on each tile, for example by installing a connection on a nail and latte.

2. Asbestos roof / zinc
roof of zinc and asbestos used in the plateau region, or used for building sheds, stables, factories and so on, on asbestos and zinc could be installed much shallower than the tile, the minimum angle of 10 degrees, due to the size, width and connection is pretty good, so not inclined to flee if the created ramps.

3. cast concrete roof
Although technically a concrete roof would not leak, even if installed ramps but would it still be done to the slope guide the direction of the water at an angle, the difference 3-5 degrees was enough But if you want to slant or the problem, for example in order to adapt the architecture of the most beautiful houses. In order not to leak when it rained, he would need a coating with a sealant so that water can not enter the residence.

type other roof can be fitted with the equipment and the condition of the house to build, especially lately a lot of innovations that made the producers so that a wide range of roofing materials on the market, but it is easy not to confuse the determination of the minimum slope angle because usually farmers have complete data of technical specifications and installation requirements when bidding to become the roofs of leading provider of residential houses. the point is how to keep the roof can house looks beautiful, but still be able to function correctly can be made at the lowest possible cost, good quality and sustainable long term.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

House Minimalis Know some type of roof tiles and Rumha

Small Minimalist House Design Know some type of roof tiles and Rumha -
This time we will discuss on the roof again, we'll share the types of tiles or roofing for your dream home for example, your dream home meets your tastes and meet all the needs of all family members supported by the appearance of the exotic to select minimalism stream, but as the day of your home is like a big oven, your house was warm and musty, when the rainy season of your home feels very wet or even leaking here and there, it was all because of the selection of the design and type of roof roof tiles of your home that is wrong.

Of course, you want your home to have a solid roof and strong and able to function properly. For the election materials to determine the type of tile roofs need to be carefully considered. It must also be taken into account is the problem of the construction. If construction is strong and right will create a sense of security for the owner or sipenghuninya.

There are several types of roofs or roofs that can be used as a reference for those of you who will build a new home or will renovate your dream home ....

tile clay Earth
type of tile including legend tiles, and tile or the roof of the first of this type has been widely used in the home. This tile is made of clay and fuel and pressed. How to install is easy, all manufacturers can certainly install tile of this type. Such benefits tiles and more cheap, very strong wind, heavy rain. clay tiles requires the order in the system. Tile can be installed with a certain slope. Tile implement a locking system and connecting or system, called the installation interlocking.

Tile of metal
The shape of a leaf, like zinc. The tile is planted in the beams of the roof trusses failures (horses), using screws .. The sizes vary, 60-0cm (width), with a thickness of 0.3 mm and a length of between 1.2- 12 mm. Type of tile is an excellent form with the construction of aluminum trusses.

Tile asphalt
The raw material is made from the asphalt mixture and other elements chemical. There are also other models that are already available on the market. For example, the flat model based on multiplex board attached with screws. For the safety equipment of asphalt tile as well? Glued to the board. The other model is a rough model, this model is screwed on failures horses beam.

Tile Ceramic
this type of ceramic is made under his name, but had already been through the finishing process of glazing, in order to better and more weather resistant watch. This type is available in the market with different sizes and colors. The application is well suited to the balcony roof. This tile is installed based in part of concrete or wood.

Tile glass
Kind of like this only applied to some part -part home . If the owner wants the sun in a specific room or a point, then used this glass tile. Usually installed in front of the house, because it does not match. The size of the glass tile is the same standard with other models tiles.

Roofs Dak Beto
is made of combination of cast concrete materials and steel frame. Widely used in homes today, as the minimalist model homes, modern home design, office buildings and more. Concrete is very strong against the weather. For this Konstruksinyapun, this type is very high if the implementation of its manufacture by the standard for a concrete roof.

The roof fabric sheet
Generally used on the roof of a balcony, or the game is also applied to the roof of a window. Made of solid and elastic plastic sheeting. This type is based on a steel frame which was formed in accordance with the wishes. Confirmed or secured with bolts and screws that can hold firmly to the wall. This type is another advantage is easy money to assemble the system

Saturday, October 22, 2016

House Minimalis Knowing your type and type of cement according to the functionality and usefulness

Small Minimalist House Design Knowing your type and type of cement according to the functionality and usefulness -
Did you know that in fact there are different types of cement and type depending on the function and the utility, although for those of you who do not know must continue to read the article following simple, concrete is a building material that can hardly be replaced by other materials. The hydraulic cement is adhesive construction materials, means that it will adhesion when mixed with water.

The cement-based ingredients in general there are 3 types of clinker / slag (70% to 95%, is treated by burning limestone, silica sand, sand iron and clay ), gypsum (about 5%, as pelambat curing agent) and a third material such as limestone, pozzolans, fly ash and other. If the third element is not more than about 3% are generally still meet the quality type 1 or OPC (Ordinary Portland Cement). However, when the content of third upper material of about 25% maximum, then the cement will change the type of PCC (Portland Composite Cement).

type of cement according to national standards of Indonesia (SNI), among others:

1. Portland cement white
used for completion of the work (finishing), as filler or fillers. This type of cement is made from Calcite main material (calcite), the pure limestone.

2. Portland cement Pozolan
This product is more appropriately used for buildings and buildings that require endurance sulfate and heat of hydration medium public, such as: bridges, roads, housing, docks, mass concrete, dams, irrigation and complete foundation plate.

3. Portland Cement
is the most common type of general-purpose cement in the world because it is the basic ingredient of concrete, and stucco .

4. Mixed Portland cement
a hydraulic cylinder grinding binder of results as well as Portland cement clinker and gypsum with one or more inorganic materials that are not react (inert).

5. Cement masonry
Cement is more appropriately used for residential construction of buildings, roads and irrigation. Can also be used as raw material for the manufacture of roof tiles of concrete, paving stones, tiles and other building materials.

6. Portland Cement Composite
used for buildings in general, and the use of Portland cement type I with the same compressive strength. CPC has a lower heat of hydration during the process of cooling compared with Portland cement type I, so the process will be easier and produce a concrete surface / denser and fine plaster.

Portland cement / Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) there are 5 types :.

1. Portland Cement Type I (Ordinary Portland Cement)
Portland cement type I is a type of cement that is most needed by the public and can be used for all applications that do not require special requirements. For example, when an owner or a mason who was working on a project or renovate houses will buy cement in the workshop building, they call simply the cement, without specifying what type of cement should be used or adapted to neighborhoods where they are. inter alia :. building, residential, high-rise buildings, bridges, trails and roads

2. Portland Cement Type II (moderate resistance to sulfate)
The ordinary Portland cement type II is the heat of hydration of cement or moderate below the Portland cement type I and sulphate resistant. Cement is suitable for areas which have time with a sufficiently high temperature and the drainage structure. Portland cement type II is recommended for use in buildings such as dams, docks and heavy foundations that marked where the columns and the low hydration process is also an important consideration.

3. Portland cement type III (high early strength Portland cement)
this type gained great strength in a short time, so it can be used to repair concrete buildings to be used or that the reference should be removed immediately. It can also be used in areas which have lower temperatures, particularly in areas where the winter. manufacturing concrete road Usefulness of the runway, the high-level buildings, buildings in water which does not require resistance to sulphate.

4. Portland cement type IV (Low Heat Of? Hydration)
type low heat of hydration cement. This type of cement used for construction purposes, which require the amount and the increase in heat is to be minimized. Therefore, this type of cement will have a strong level of concrete at a slower pace than Portland cement type I like this type are used for massive concrete structures such as dams great seriousness in which the temperature rise due the heat produced during the curing process is a critical factor. Suitable for hot climates.

5. Portland cement type V (Sulfate Resistance Cement)
Portland cement is in use requires a high sulphate resistance. Suitable for the production of concrete on land and water areas that have a high content of sulfate salts. It is suitable for the installation of the treatment plant wastewater, water, construction, bridges, tunnels, ports and nuclear plants

Source :.

Friday, October 21, 2016

House Minimalis How Find Inspiration Design Construction / Renovation Houses Idaman

Small Minimalist House Design How Find Inspiration Design Construction / Renovation Houses Idaman -

You want to wake a new home? or want to renovate the house to look cool? and have not had an appropriate design? Photos of the design of the house was quite expensive? the solution is? there are lots of ways to get home design inspiration free

Build a dream house with a distinctive style that is beautiful is the hope of all manufacturers of potential houses, often found a house built with a high price was only produce architectural models of buildings mediocre or even appear to standard imitate the style of the existing houses. the question is how to get the best house model? this can be done by finding inspiration from best house design before the planning and implementation of housing development.

How to find inspiration home design
  1. for the architect or people who have the talent to realize the imagination as inspiration image search process can be done by imagining a beautiful shape, and then draw it.
  2. Street- Road neighborhood or town that is rich in diversity of design houses, perhaps to find the best form and then try to modify the design to get the best.
  3. Using pictures of the search engines or images on the Internet, a lot of pictures the work of the designer house or pictures are scattered around the world of the Internet.
  4. working closely with architects home or online home design services provider on the Internet, we can provide design data and a list of expectations regarding the model of your dream home, then these expectations will prove an architect in shaping the dream house design drawings.
  5. Viewing standard custom home and then build exactly the same as the existing or add a little polish could materialize attractive single house.
  6. If we ever dreamed of seeing a form of beautiful house then there is no harm in trying to remember the details of the shape of the building that we see in the world of dreams, changing the as images and then build a house exactly as he had seen in a dream world.
  7. Watch a movie or a video that is often featured backgroud building, there may be a source of inspiration to innovate in the form of home design.
  8. Snooping animals or plants, for example, create a home similar to the body of slugs, which makes the house like an anthill and the like.
  9. Shaped like small objects or furniture and mewujudkanya in great shape in the form of the building is unique and beautiful.

insiprasi best design of the house is a hundred percent pure of mind or personal satisfaction illusion that appears when successfully realize the chimera as a house in the real world , all you need is calm and want mencoba- try to study the building of images to create the best design of the house, congratulations inspiring creativity and realize your dream house models


Thursday, October 20, 2016

House Minimalis Knowing the Border Line Building (GSB)

Small Minimalist House Design Knowing the Border Line Building (GSB) -
Before building or renovating a home, you need to understand GSB (Building Border Line) for one day after he was concluded there was no problem at the limit of your home, even if you build on your land does not mean you are free to arbitrarily build a house over on the ground, because in some areas of application of well diberlalukan GSB rules comfort together.

is like building a house we cross a road, you should should see on the left and right of the first so congratulations to the other side. So also in terms of building a house, many aspects? It must be held up to livable. These aspects may include technical and administrative requirements which correspond to the functions of a dwelling house.

All these requirements have been specified in the rules for construction and environment established by government or local authorities. With so many requirements that must be met by people who want membangu, Kadan make people choose to ignore these regulations, also includes rules on Building Border Line or GSB.

Source: google image

in Article 13 of law No. 28 Th 02 the building was mentioned that a building must have a variety of free distance requirements of the building that includes the GSB and the distance between the buildings. It is also building a house, need to have received standardization government said in SNI No. 03-1728-1989. These standards he made everyone who will build buildings must meet various requirements of the environment around buildings, including the prohibition to rebuild outside the limits of the GSB.

Understanding GSB

in the explanation of Article 13 of Law No. 28 of 02 on the building, Border Line GSB Building or the meaning of a line that sets the minimum clearance on the outside of a mass of buildings on the holding boundaries. This understanding can be concluded that the GSB is the building of border is permitted to build a house or building. Benchmark, as well as limits to the general measure GSB (Building Border Line) is the ace or the center line of the road, near the beach, river banks, railroads, and / or network too high tension. Until then be a house on the edge of a road, then sempadannya line measured from the centerline of the road up outside the building on land controlled by the owner. For factors that determine the GSB is the place or the place of location of the building standing. The house is located on the edge of the road, the GSB is determined by the function and the path of the class. The standard for the residential environment is between 3 to 5 m.

If you want to d0wnl0ad Law No. 28 of 2012 on the construction of silahkn Click HERE

Draw Building Border

Building Outer according GSB

Views on the side of the outermost building still confused by the public. Several mentioned that the outside of the building is the fence itself. But the truth is outside the physical building itself with a complete composition from Sloof, foundations, masonry, windows, doors, roof and ceiling.

If the renovation of a house, adding buildings on the GSB limit? Building or Line border? still tolerated. But also with sembanrangan can not do it, there are some things that can still be justified tolerated. This tolerance applies to the construction of its structure, and instead of building space, for example, is the pergola of the element that serves as a roof of the building of the buffer, but once in the manufacture a pergola is also prohibited at will, the pergola roof was not allowed to protrude beyond the boundaries of the house or fence. And another thing, if you change the function carport itself with a sleeping space or a warehouse, for example, then you will be subject to sanctions by the government.

GSB Segi For safety and aesthetic?

Act and the regulations GSB is made to colonies around the house for orderly and safe. Can you imagine if a house can be chaotic because the occupants are at will in the construction and development companies. Occupants to develop and maximize the land surrounding the house. Such as creating a new room or any other room on the GSB limit too close to the fence. And there are residents who drive away beyond the barrier on the road although slightly limited. The result of a settlement will not be pleasant to look at, and chaotic.

Aside from the aesthetic factor, GSB is made also address the drivers of security interests or bike in front of a house. If a house is located at an intersection or plain hook desebut house, a house like this would make roads prone to accidents. The accident occurred because of sipengendara not see the other runners in the opposite direction to the front. Distance uninhibited view sipengendara be disturbed because it will be covered by building on these hooks? Too protruding out of GSB limits.

For buildings at the intersection of a road, there are two provisions of the GSB, which was to the front of the building and the building side. It is often forgotten or deliberately ignored by the owner. They will build on the GSB course. Some people deliberately pressed the buildings on either side of the land border, to pass through the GSB side. You must know that it is not only a house located at an intersection that has a provision GSB side. But every home should have GSB (Building Border line) and side.

According to the decision of the Minister of Public Works No .. 441 Th, 1998 on reqiurements technical building, GSB to the rear and side of the building is also remarkable. There are several requirements to meet the GSB part and back. ? These requirements are:

The structure and foundations outside buildings must be at least 10 cm in the direction of counting of the outer limits of dikuasai.?[1945002desterres]
For renovating or improving capacity in first used in conjunction with the outer wall of the building next to it, must create a new boundary wall right next to the wall that already exists. As for the exterior walls were not allowed to cross the line of the court. Examples of the fence.
For a residential building residential houses during the meeting, there is no distance on the free side, but? Clearance around the back should be at least 1/2 of the length GSB advance.

In addition to the calculation of the OSC in the construction of a house also interesting to note the aesthetic factors associated with the installation of structural elements. The application window openings in the form of a pd boundary wall of the court is not allowed, also included the installation of glass block elements.

Sanctions against abuse GSB

True, every rule has sanctions for violators. Similarly with the GSB regulations. Based on Law No. 28 of 02 on the construction Th, for administrative sanctions will be imposed on building owners. Sanctions as restriction warnings development activities, probably written, the end of the implementation of the development time, revocation of permits to make the building until the order for forced demolition building tersebut.Selain too, if we are caught build beyond the GSB, will be subject to other penalties. The penalty is a fine of up to 10% (ten percent) calculated from the value of buildings that have been or are being built


Wednesday, October 19, 2016

House Minimalis Advantages and disadvantages of brick, brick, lime stone and Light brick

Small Minimalist House Design Advantages and disadvantages of brick, brick, lime stone and Light brick -
After sharing previously about type and the type of cement According to the functionality and usefulness? And how to calculate the bricks need to build houses for the moment we will share about advantages and disadvantages of materials, masonry, brick red namely, limestone, brick and brick hebel or Celcon each ingredient certainly has its advantages and disadvantages. The house is solid and strong, ie shelter for sustainable construction and long term.

The wall is part of the construction of a very important role for building construction. The walls are formed and protect the entire building content both in terms of construction and in terms of art buildings. Raw wall manufacture of building materials is distinguished by:

brick wall is the wall that is most widely used in the construction of buildings both simple buildings, housing, or large buildings. therefore, the brick walls has its own art in the installation system.

1. brick wall
The bricks are bricks that is printed and then burned at high temperature so that it becomes completely dry, hardened and reddish color. Land used was not only earth, but rather a clay soil that can be merged during the printing process. Therefore, the house whose walls are built of red brick material will feel more comfortable and cool. In addition to a more robust and strong and durable, it rarely happens walls built of red brick rift materials.

This material is heat resistant so it can be a pleasure for your building protection against fire hazards. Not all of the clay can be used, only consisting of a specific content of the sand. Red brick generally have a length of 17-23 cm, 7-11 cm wide, 3-5 cm thick. Its small size offers ease of transportation, it can be used to form small areas, cheap, easy to obtain.

The raw materials needed for the installation of red brick walls are cement and sand sifter. When the installation requires no special adhesive, water-resistant wall necessary for a mixture of 1: 2 or 1: 3 (ie 1 dose of cement mixed with 3 doses of sieved sand). As for the wall that is not to be waterproof able to use a ratio of 1: 4 to 1: 6.

Red Brick Specifications:
• Dry Density: 1500 kg / m3
• normal Weight: 00 kg / m3
• compressive strength: 2.5 to 25 N / mm? (SII-0021.1978)
• thermal conductivity: 0.380 W / mK
• Species Thickness: 20-30 mm
• Fire resistance: 2 hours
• Number (required) bricks red by 1 m2: 30-35 pieces without construction waste

Excess red Brick
  • Waterproof, infiltration so rare in the walls due to the rain
  • does not require special skills to install.
  • for the small size, it is easy to transport.
  • Easy to set up small field
  • cheap prices
  • easy access
  • glue does not need to be special.
  • Heat-resistant, so it can be protected against fire.

Disadvantages Red Brick
  • It is difficult to neat masonry
  • absorbs heat in summer and absorb cold winter, so the room temperature can not be conditioned or unstable.
  • Tends to be more extravagant in the use of adhesive material.
  • quality is less diverse and also the size that rarely make the same waste could recover.
  • Because it is difficult to get a couple pretty clean, it takes pelsteran thick enough to produce the walls were pretty average.
  • When installing more than all the other wall materials.
  • weight, weighing and the support structure.
  • red brick pose a significant burden on the building structure.
limestone wall 2.
The walls are widely used dipedasaan, popular house, railing, or houses.

The advantages of the use of limestone
  • prices limestone walls are very cheap
  • installation times faster and use less mortar sand
  • when already plastered wall are not visible from the ground or chalk
Disadvantages of the use of limestone
- These walls require a column virtually every 2.5 m

3. brick Wall
adobe wall material is usually made from a mixture of cement and coarse sand molded or pressed solid . In addition, it is also made of a mixture of rock tras, lime and water. Even now circulating brick from a mixture of cement, sand and batubara.?

In making material as has been mentioned, this Brick disadvantage a lower resistance of red brick, it tends wall cracks occur, especially if the empty part of its not filled spesi.?[1945007mortier]

the use of brick for the wall material also make even more hot stuffy and hot trend buildings, unlike the red bricks on the ground. Brick or brick press 1 m2 usually tend to be sweeter than the red brick. Its texture also looks more refined, and its size is more accurate than the red brick.

adobe press in general is the length of 36-40 cm, 8-10 cm thick and 18-20 cm high. For wall 1 m2, approximately need 15 pieces of brick press. Usually adobe press have to lighten the load on a building structure, accelerate implementation and minimize material waste that occurs during the installation process of the wall.

The raw materials used for the installation of brick is near. mortar whose composition is cement (PC) and sand sifter

Specifications brick Press:
• Dry-type weight (?): 950 kg / m3
• normal density (?): 1000 kg / m3
• compressive strength: 5.5 N / mm
• thermal conductivity: 0.339 W / mK
• thickness of species: 20-30 mm
• fire resistance: 4 hours
• Number (required) brick press for 1 m2: 20-25 pieces without Construction waste

Press brick wall surplus:
  • Every couple m2 walls, requiring less building block relative to the bricks aid, which quantitatively means there is a discount.
  • making it easy and sizes can be made equal.
  • size is large, so that the time and cost of installation is also more efficient.
  • perforated specific types, it can function as an insulating air.
  • If working properly, need not be plastered.
  • More easily cut for a particular connection that requires cuts.
  • Before the user does not need to be soaked with water.
  • Waterproof so very few opportunities for water infiltration.
  • installs faster.
  • the use of concrete frame pengakunya wider, between 9-12 m2.
Disadvantages press brick wall :.
  • easy living cracks in the walls
  • easy perforated and easily broken because there is a hole in the side of it.
  • Less good for thermal and sound insulation.
4. Stone Wall Light (Celcon or Hebel)
Many of us are familiar with this type of stone, brick light, or often called Celcon or Hebel performed with factory machines. This brick is quite soft, smooth and have a good degree of flatness. This lightweight brick was created to ease the load on a building construction structure, accelerate implementation and minimize waste material which occurs in the wall during the process of installation. Then the outstanding issues is whether the community would have been able to replace the light brick red brick both a price review, strength, ease of it, motode of installation and other . To be deeper, we'll surgical one-on-one so that we can know the strengths and weaknesses of each.
Bata Hebel / Celcon done by machines in factories. brick walls hebel / Celcon is building the quality of materials forming the high quality wall. are no brick sale of such material on the agent or shop. But book in advance

general size are :. Length 60 cm, height 20 cm with a thickness of between 8 cm -10 cm. The mixture or composition of the material consists of quartz sand, cement, lime, a little gypsum, water and aluminum paste as a developer (air filler is chemically). After the dough is mixed perfectly, will rise for 7-8 hours. For installation on a wall of 1 m2, roughly need 8 pieces of light brick.

Installation of light brick is quite easy, can be directly given acian without plastered advance using special cement. special cement mixture just need to be given water. However, the installation of light brick can also use sand and cement that the installation of brick, brick and press the red brick

Specifications Bata Lightweight:.
• Dry Density: 520 kg / m3
• Normal Weight: 650 kg / m3
• compressive strength:> 4.0 N / mm2
• thermal conductivity: 0.14 W / mK
• thickness of species: 3 mm
• fire resistance: 4 hours
• Number (required ) bricks are light per 1 m2: 8-9 pieces without construction waste

Excess Bata light :.
  • has the size and uniform quality to generate the walls are immaculate.
  • Not requiring thickness distribution to save the use of adhesives.
  • lighter than ordinary brick far to load on the structure.
  • transportation easier.
  • implementation is faster than using the ordinary brick.
  • Not required plastering thick, generally determined only 2.5 cm.
  • Waterproof, so there is little possibility of water infiltration.
  • Have kekedapan sounds good.
  • compression is high resistance.
  • has good resistance to earthquakes.
Disadvantages light Bata:
  • because of its great size for the size of the debt, threw else about
  • special glue .. in general, it is the instant cement, which is now available in the field.
  • It takes special skills to install, because otherwise its impact is very visible.
  • When exposed to water, then dry completely be required longer time than ordinary brick.
  • price is relatively more expensive than the red brick.
  • it is difficult to get it, just a hardware store that sold light brick.
  • sale was in volume (m3) were great.
from the description above, we can conclude that each material has its advantages and disadvantages. brick press is a kind of wall covering material is the lightest and cost based on a review of costs, but has drawbacks such as not too well over the noise. While the conventional brick severe enough to indirectly affect the factor of the load structure. Although this light brick benefits such as more jobs are clean and precise, does not require much mortar spesinya but the price is relatively more expensive than brick and ordinary brick.

Source: and http: //
Image: google image

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

House Minimalis Want to learn to sell and buy House?

Small Minimalist House Design Want to learn to sell and buy House? -
People think that buying and selling homes there is no death, and would greatly benefit, but keep your intentions before actually control it cracks which could make the loss is large, the biggest possible losses resulting from the administration of title ie land in trouble are not clear.

Buying a new home in the accommodation provided by the developer that does not mean that we are in safe mode, because many cases developers ignoring the administrative matters relating to home ownership or worse certificate earth there are the signatures are authentic, genuine or fake.

more technical problems in the field, often in colonies built by several developers have such uniform error, blind to the ethics of the profession, no conscience, no shame for the obligations and responsibilities , justifying the principle of the economy are entangled in the brain "mammal" leaders and enjoy something which is not a right, and so on. You think? If you are still doubtful, I'll show you where the equation (in the case of error) by developers .. Some developers produce products (building) with poor initial quality, it usually happens because mensub housing construction developer contracted subcontractors (in this case, we call: the first level subcontractors), other first-level subcontractors mensub contracted the draft sub-kontarktor second level, and so on

Imagine if the substitution process of building the house that happens a few times, and all subcontractors benefit of each? Consequently, the cost of the building for each production unit drops, the effect of decreasing the cost of production building is the limited budget to buy quality materials and employ a plumber or a good skill combined the implementation of the work hastily to chase progress or the time to make the product quality resulting certainly bad, and it is certainly the worse it will be disappointing.

Fortunately, some professionals (architect and civil engineer) who understand the construction procedures of a house pre planning / pre-design, design, planning, implementation + monitoring, and 'maintenance initiative to establish a construction company (even on a small scale) to serve renovation services developers building standards, or perhaps build (batches) of buildings are empty. The price also varies, minor renovations in buildings (eg designing a kitchen set, change the paint color, make tamaan / landscape, pool, etc.) for renovations at the main such that the construction add-history, a complete overhaul of the building and new construction, renovations on some desired portions by the buyer, etc. The problem is, that this price pantasnya designer style homes? I need to buy this house? Or, if you are also masons who want to do business with a model like this should have what price home you offer

Case 1: Build a house on the plot is empty

In some housing, the developer is left empty field. Usually the lots sold are positioned on the hook, there is land in excess, or a square shape. When we build a home buyer dikapling is certainly not a problem. But if this necessarily build architects in the hope of reselling certainly will not be easy as the above. Currently happen is, the houses that were built are sold at a price that is too expensive

Example :. An architect bought the coupling area of ​​the parcel 150 m ^ 2 to a 300 million price. Once built terraced home is priced at $ 1.5 billion. Hose 1/2 years, these houses are not sold, and is now in status outsourcing. To avoid cases like the one above (which still exists anehenya) architects should analyze first comparison if the house safely. When the price reaches 3-4 times, while the location is not very different, it is a good home sales this case reconsidered model.

Case 2: Renovate Minor (cooking game, garden, interior, etc.)

Buying a house from a developer and then make minor renovations without changing the structure of the building, with the budget up to 5-20% of the price of the original houses is likely to be bought by the prospective buyer. This case is the most desirable, because the appearance of the house has been modified from its original form and the price is not too high renovation. Because if the price of the home you are buying and renovations are already too high, potential buyers are likely to spend and choose better accommodation

Source: Http :. //

Monday, October 17, 2016

House Minimalis Sample Image map Houses Type 45 (30 Pictures)

Small Minimalist House Design Sample Image map Houses Type 45 (30 Pictures) -
is an example of drawing a kind of house design type 45 which can be used as inspiration to build or buy your home dream for you that wants to renovate the house because they are bored with the look of the old, large house type 45 was built on an area of ​​8 m X 15 m, with a minimalist style area built more appropriate.

Although the type of house included 45 small but if you are a little creative can be a house that feels relieved, and not to forget the aspect of health and air circulation and lighting needs attention, by enlarging the size of the window and optimize the ventilation of the house.

as members of the family and the need for a more spacious room type, house 45 is still very possible to house renovated into a 2 or 3 floors, senyampang all technical requirements allow, if you daydream type of house plan 45 you will soon be renovated into two floors or more, when building a house prepared foundations and columns so that the houses that are technically qualified to be the two-story house.

Interior design Type 45
Indeed, with the type of home 45 do not have many options to get a lot of space, is the standard type of house good that 1 room, 2 bedrooms, 1 living room, 1 bathroom and the kitchen, the living room, you can give more attention, the living room can be designed according to your taste, there are many more salon themes, such as classical, modern and minimalist theme, as well as the selection of furniture in the living room should give the impression that match the theme of the show itself and choose one that does not take up broad space for your salon relieved.
Conception outside the house type 45
outside the home should also receive more attention, especially the screens look ahead, you can give a artistic touch to create a garden that matches the theme of the facade of your home, in addition to the park, you can also insert a small pond with fountains and hiasnya fish, not less important is fencing, technically its usefulness as the security of your home, but lately the function it develops aspects that can beautify the appearance of your house, the fence is also suitable for the theme of your home, so it seems if selaran be seen from the front. A discussion of the park, the pool and the fence will share in the next article ...

Well below some examples of the type of design drawings of the house 45 that we collect from Google picture, hoping be an inspiration for you to get home dreaming all your family members

Image: Source google