Friday, August 26, 2016

House Minimalis Mosquito Repellent Plants Home

Small Minimalist House Design Mosquito Repellent Plants Home -
Everyone will not like his house a lot of mosquitoes, but not so good if the jet is not a wise way, the anti manufacturer -moustique would almost certainly have a negative effect health impact of home occupants, and how you are looking for other alternative is to place the plants are not favored by mosquitoes.

Below we will share plants that are not favored by mosquitoes, these plants can be placed in the home to well planted in pots only, so mosquitoes will not enter your home and your home free of mosquitoes ...

1. Lavender
Who unknown lavender, minimal've heard since manufacturers repellent lotion advertisement, lavender itself comes from the Alps region of Switzerland.
This flower contains linalool and lynalyl acetate smells very badly seen by mosquitoes. It is said that the hordes of mosquitoes will go directly when the smell because he felt dizzy.

The flower is usually used as a repellent against mosquitoes of a first distillation manner. But you can also use it directly rubbing interest in the exposed areas of the skin. This method is suitable to do when you are traveling.

Meanwhile, to keep the mosquitoes that are around the house, then you just plant it in a pot only. In addition to the fragrant aroma, beautiful color of flowers can also? Beautify the yard to see Anda.?

[19450052]. Geranium
Plants to repel mosquitoes which in turn is a Geranium. In certain regions? Indonesia, this plant is also known as the tread Dara. This plant is supposed to repel mosquitoes thanks to substances geraniol and citronellol.

Both substances are easily carried by the wind so as to make a fragrant surrounding area . Geranium is also a mosquito inside because the smell can fill the room quickly plants. But remember, put these flowers near a window or in a place
are easily exposed to the wind so that the aroma can spread rapidly.

3. Rosemary
Rosemary is a flower that has a scent like oil Telon or eucalyptus oil. As we know, both the oil is often applied to the child because of its aroma can prevent mosquito bites. Now, with the same flavor and Rosemary flowers also proved effective in repelling mosquitoes.

rosemary flower can be planted directly into the ground or in pots. But make sure you always get the sunlight and sufficient water for growth to be well managed. In addition to flowers, you can also rub the leaves on the skin to avoid bites
mosquitoes when going out of the house.

4. Zodia
For Papuans, zodia plant is certainly not foreign to their ears. Yes, the Papuan people usually take a Zodia sheet and rub their bodies before hunting in the woods. Because the aroma of Zodia leaves is proven to protect against insect bites and mosquitoes.

zodia itself an insect repellent sheet containing evodiamine and Rutaecarpine. Both are substances that are strongly disliked by mosquitoes and insects. Besides rubbed into the skin, from Indonesia can also be grown in pots so that the aroma can
blown away.

5. Citrosa masquito
From the name alone we can already guess if this plant has nothing to do with mosquitoes. Yes, Citrosa Mosquito is one of the best mosquito plants because it is able to deliver a very strong lemon scent. Besides mosquitoes, various types of insects are not sukadengan aroma it releases.

Citrosa Mosquito is just the Dutch state. How to grow these plants is also very easy, and there was to flush and gave him regular sun. Unfortunately, this plant is still rare in Indonesia due to the import from the country of origin.

6.?Serai Wangi
Lemongrass is one of the herbs that are widely used in Indonesia. In addition to flavoring dishes, lemon grass has also been able to repel mosquitoes. Because this plant has a geraniol substance and Citronellal very hated by mosquitoes.

Yet citronella plant is not suitable for planting in pots. Yes, lemongrass usually thrive in the yard or in the gardens. Will can also develop on its own without any special treatment because it is perfectly suited to the climate in Indonesia.

7. Akar Wangi
Like Serai Wangi roots or mosquito plants adapted to planting in pots. Plants that are included in this type of grass usually grows wild in the area of ​​the yard as other grasses.

It has been said Akar Wangi this has a very pungent odor that makes mosquitoes while kissing. Fragrant root also believed to be dengue fever (DBD) for the Aedes aegypti mosquito prevention plants do not like the smell.

8. Kecombrang
kecombrang interest which is very popular in Indonesia. Plants that have a Latin name eliator Etlingera has many names in various regions in Indonesia. Call or Kantan Honje area Sunda and kincung in Medan area.

flowers, seeds and fruits of this kecombrang is more widely used as a dietary supplement spices like chili sauce, steamed, and others. However kecombrang flowers can also be used to repel mosquitoes with planted in the house. The color is also nice juxtaposition makes it suitable with other ornamental plants.

9. Mintrosa Of Lady Diana
I do not know what this plant association with ex-wife Prince Charles. But clearly, Mintrosa Of Lady Diana even effective? To repel mosquitoes. The plants of the Netherlands has a very pungent aroma that mosquitoes are reluctant to approach him. But as
Citrosa Mosquito, this plant is still hard to find in Indonesia.

10. Basil
basil? Is a spice that is widely used in Indonesia. Basil is widely
is used as a seasoning or fresh vegetables. But not only that, basil has also been able to repel mosquitoes with a characteristic aroma. basil plant usually grows wild in the yard without needing special care.

11, Suren
Suren a tree and insect repellent are very famous. The leaves and bark of this tree has a substance surenon, surenin surenolakton and to expel the two types of animals. Many farmers who planted in gardens to repel pests in the order of
trees nearby.

12. Aloe Vera
In more beneficial for hair and face, aloe vera is also proven to be used to treat mosquito bites. Yes, if your skin is itchy and swollen after being bitten by mosquitoes, makaoleskanlah aloe vera gel to the area such as itching and swelling soon disappear.

13. Marigold
Marigold is a flower that comes from Mexico and Guatemala region. In Indonesia itself many call the Tai Chicken interest because their color is similar to chicken manure. In some areas, these flowers are also planted on the road as a garnish.

more beautiful to watch, perfume of Marigold flowers is repelling mosquitoes in the area. These flowers can grow in pots or in the court that the aroma is fragrant can enter the house at once repel mosquitoes.

This is a wide variety of mosquito plants that can grow on the house or in your garden. Use a natural repellent is much healthier because it contains no hazardous materials. In addition, a variety of plants can also decorate your home so that it becomes more beautiful.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

House Minimalis Yuk ... Secret Door to single

Small Minimalist House Design Yuk ... Secret Door to single -
There are people who need a place in the house that can be accessible only occupant, a secret chamber can be used at the time of need, for example when thieves from home, or in precarious circumstances once as a state threatened the lives of residents of the house, access to the secret room certainly through a secret door , also. The secret door, and the entrance to the secret passage where the secret passageway to a point outside of the home away from home.

To create a secret door when it is cheap, because many craftsmen who were able to produce a secret door course, but there are certain things that must be considered to build a door secret, for example, where the secret door is not far from the family room, or near the kitchen, and especially before you build a secret door, first prepare a waterproof shelter and closed air chamber with sufficient oxygen or an underpass that access to escape the house.

Adapaun shape and design of the hatch which is widely used in homes in Europe result of the team of writers hunting space Rumah Kita, namely:

1. door secret [mirror
secret door is as a mirror to dress or adorn mirror nailed to a wooden plaque is strong, and a mirror can be moved to the side to open.

awaits secret closed door

waits door open secret half of

2. rack Accessories secret doors?
The secret door is as a shelf for display props or accessories your favorite collection, so when the door closes another person think part of it is a shelf for display objects toy or a collection of accessories. Models of secret doors like this are usually open inward.

3. Secret Door Bookcase
From the name alone, we can already guess that the secret door if the closed state seem as a shelf, a secret door is very suitable to be placed under the stairs, the door to this secret can use the system open and the secret door very easily installed in any model of the house.

4. Secret Door Wardrobe
secret cabinet door model is a model or design doors secrets most people most widely used in their dream homes, the only name can also guess that the secret door is built on a rear side of the cabinet. The secret cupboard door is suitable for two in the master bedroom and also very easy to apply to any design of a house.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

House Minimalis Peel Done How to build a fence Minimalist

Small Minimalist House Design Peel Done How to build a fence Minimalist -
barrier is an obstacle but as a sign of our house with other home or in the alley, a fence is now used as a seasoning so your dream home more attractive and there was a lot of design before the close that you can apply to your dream home, because it takes patience and attention to detail that you in choosing the design of the fence so it corresponds to the conception of the character of your dream home.

Here are some troubleshooting guide before choosing the appropriate design of fence construction of your house:

house closing Tips design:

  1. know the main functions of the fence, which, besides giving an aesthetic impression, the fence is also useful to protect homes things that are not not desirable, such as wild animals, thieves, destroyed crops and pages and so on. The main function of the barrier is to protect what is in it, therefore, before choosing the design of the fence for the construction of your home, fill the main function of the fence.
  2. For those living in rural areas, generally closing is not the main needs of the construction in this area. Some rural communities to think precisely when home owners put up a fence to give the stingy feeling and fear of the content of the compound else. Therefore, if you still want to wear a fence, use the design choice was a low fence, either wood or stone, adding a more artistic impression.
  3. Note the size and shape of your home. If the construction of your home quite low, do not wear the design of high end home, but adapted to the size of the height of the house.
  4. By choosing paint the fence of your house, if most of the fence was made of the wall and choose the mural impermeable to water.
  5. If you close home page, if the portal system? balustrade using sliding so it occurs when the dibuka.?[1945008deporte]
  6. Select a type of fence is made of quality, if not a stone, you can choose the basic materials of wood or bamboo by coating these materials with paint or varnish to maintain the resilience of these materials.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

House Minimalis 21 Minimalist Fence Design For All Types House 2015

Small Minimalist House Design 21 Minimalist Fence Design For All Types House 2015 -
After reading and understanding the tips to build a fence to meet the expectations of the owner of the house, then we will share examples of the latest design of the fence minimalist tahini 2015, for example design that will show here from a variety of materials, some wood, walls, walls combined with metal, the walls are covered with natural stone, or combination.

Although minimalist, but the barrier should remain on its main function is as a terminal and protection for people outside can not enter except through the door is open. For those of you who are currently looking for reference materials to build a fence minimalist latest model in 2015, the figure below can be used as material isnpirasi ...

Monday, August 22, 2016

House Minimalis 20 elegant and luxurious design Closure 2015

Small Minimalist House Design 20 elegant and luxurious design Closure 2015 -
Continuing on fence posts yuk ... mumpung passion to write on the fence, build a fence already advice, design the minimalist modern closing sample of 2015 for all types of homes already, so this time, we share a fence elegant design house and luxurious latest in 2015, fencing luxury and elegance are usually aluminum or galvanized specific size or walls of certain sizes

build an elegant and luxurious fence must take into account the resilience of cover factors against changes in the weather, and of course the end of the interview elegant luxurious and cheap, to build a fence line with expectations do not give this job in artisan lovers, because the closing pekerjann this type requires high precision

for inspiration, we present 20 fence design is elegant and luxurious latest, we collected famous designers: