Although impressed easy and simple, the results pengacian on the wall (wall acian) is not as good as we thought. To obtain satisfactory results, you have to watch his step by step process carefully.
The first wall acian you should notice is the stucco on the walls of the house will be Aci. Acian the application depends on the quality of stucco. Good quality plaster walls will generate good acian home anyway.
plastering should be flat and smooth and save acian wall material. If the sand used for the suspension containing stucco is too high, it shrinks so that the plaster will crack resulting in cracked walls of the house.
Therefore, before acian, the plaster should be dry and withdrawal does not happen again. Acian supposed to do on a stucco wall aged 2-3 weeks to the interior wall while the outer wall may be faster (2 weeks). If acian too quickly, it can cause cracks in acian.
If the brick wall is very wet at the time of stucco and then the water will be trapped it takes a long time to remove water. Instead of dry stucco surface also affect the results of acian.
Before acian, wet the plaster surface with water. It is important to avoid acian mortar or dry white is not too fast. White cement in the mortar needs water for hydration process. If acian dry too quickly the results will acian acian soft and the surface will be dusty.
If the time necessary to finish up acian penghamparan acian be polite about 20-30 minutes and then the plaster enough moisture. But if less than 20 minutes means stucco too dry, and if more than 30 minutes means too wet plaster.
acian Gras also the quality of their results. thick acian should be 1-3 mm. If less than 1 mm dry too quickly. When the first layer is less than 1 mm, and before the first coat should be dry the next layer until at least 1 mm
If there are a lot of holes in the stucco and a day before acian hole -. The hole should be closed. If acian thicker than 3 mm, requires two layers. Let the first coat dry for a few days recently performed the next layer.
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