In addition to the quality of the paint and mix colors to paint the tool also has an important role to produce paintings conform to our wishes, such than; brush and roller. When a brush and also a time when you have to wear roller careful in using these tools because it follows we will share how to choose the right painting tools ....
consists of three parts: hair brushes, handles and metal fixation from these two together. bristle brush, can be animal hair or synthetic fibers, arranged and bonded with solid resin. Choose a brush bristles tapered on the edges. It makes the soft brush. conical bristle brushes are a sign of quality brushes. Do not choose the base and thick fur brush tip.
Brush the cost is usually wearing a short coat that is supported by pieces of wood in the shape of V to make it look thicker. This brush can not absorb paint well and short hairs tend to leave scars kuasan (brush mark) on the paint. While a good brush with a whisk broom and it can absorb more paint and produce more subtle layers of paint, so it does not leave scars kuasan. Such a brush is ideal if we want a good result, especially in the paint with a glossy (shiny).
In general, hair brushes of animals used for oil paintings. bristle brushes are best. Do not use a brush fur with water-based paints (water based) for fur animals absorb water, so it expands and undisciplined. Nylon or polyester brush most suitable for water-based paints because synthetic fibers absorb water and therefore will not inflate.
Use a brush with a width of 3-5 inches to paint the walls or large surfaces. A small brush to paint furniture, frames or parts that require greater precision.
If you buy a quality brush, clean thoroughly after each use so it can be used repeatedly. Or you can buy brushes are cheap, if you are quite satisfied with the results, and remove once finished will be used.
is the best tool for painting large surfaces such as walls or ceilings. Selecting the appropriate roll for a particular type of work is important. Cheap roll (polyester) tend to be more paint splashes, easily separated fibers and left in the paint. Fleece (wool) is the best material because it absorbs more paint, rarely leaves scars, and not much paint splatters.
To work with enamel paint, for example, to doors and walls in the kitchen, use a mohair material roll (delicate feathers of some type of goat). Adjust the size of the roll with the type of work. The thickness of the fiber / fleece depending on surface conditions, the type of paint, and see the desired results.
Using the thin roll (less than? Inch) to paint a bright (bright) or slightly glossy (semi-gloss) on the flat wall, for example plaster, floors and walls in general. Roll thick 3/8 inch to 1 inch is used to paint on the walls is uneven, for example, interior walls in general, concrete, sand and textured walls
Several types of Special roll :.
1. angle of roll - to paint the corner and the border wall
2. Roll packing - .. 3 inches long, according to repaint the narrow field
3. radiator roll - with a diameter ? . Inches, according to repaint the back of the radiator, toilet, and a water heater
4. Special roller to paint surfaces such as pipes and round pillars
5. Foam Roller -. Repainting and wrought iron staircase grid
Adhesion roll with a 3-5 wire rod from one end to be able to withstand well the roller supports rotation, and durable. Do not use the handle of the roller that uses screws to hold the roll.
consists of three parts: hair brushes, handles and metal fixation from these two together. bristle brush, can be animal hair or synthetic fibers, arranged and bonded with solid resin. Choose a brush bristles tapered on the edges. It makes the soft brush. conical bristle brushes are a sign of quality brushes. Do not choose the base and thick fur brush tip.

Brush the cost is usually wearing a short coat that is supported by pieces of wood in the shape of V to make it look thicker. This brush can not absorb paint well and short hairs tend to leave scars kuasan (brush mark) on the paint. While a good brush with a whisk broom and it can absorb more paint and produce more subtle layers of paint, so it does not leave scars kuasan. Such a brush is ideal if we want a good result, especially in the paint with a glossy (shiny).
In general, hair brushes of animals used for oil paintings. bristle brushes are best. Do not use a brush fur with water-based paints (water based) for fur animals absorb water, so it expands and undisciplined. Nylon or polyester brush most suitable for water-based paints because synthetic fibers absorb water and therefore will not inflate.
Use a brush with a width of 3-5 inches to paint the walls or large surfaces. A small brush to paint furniture, frames or parts that require greater precision.
If you buy a quality brush, clean thoroughly after each use so it can be used repeatedly. Or you can buy brushes are cheap, if you are quite satisfied with the results, and remove once finished will be used.
is the best tool for painting large surfaces such as walls or ceilings. Selecting the appropriate roll for a particular type of work is important. Cheap roll (polyester) tend to be more paint splashes, easily separated fibers and left in the paint. Fleece (wool) is the best material because it absorbs more paint, rarely leaves scars, and not much paint splatters.
To work with enamel paint, for example, to doors and walls in the kitchen, use a mohair material roll (delicate feathers of some type of goat). Adjust the size of the roll with the type of work. The thickness of the fiber / fleece depending on surface conditions, the type of paint, and see the desired results.
Using the thin roll (less than? Inch) to paint a bright (bright) or slightly glossy (semi-gloss) on the flat wall, for example plaster, floors and walls in general. Roll thick 3/8 inch to 1 inch is used to paint on the walls is uneven, for example, interior walls in general, concrete, sand and textured walls
Several types of Special roll :.
1. angle of roll - to paint the corner and the border wall
2. Roll packing - .. 3 inches long, according to repaint the narrow field
3. radiator roll - with a diameter ? . Inches, according to repaint the back of the radiator, toilet, and a water heater
4. Special roller to paint surfaces such as pipes and round pillars
5. Foam Roller -. Repainting and wrought iron staircase grid
Adhesion roll with a 3-5 wire rod from one end to be able to withstand well the roller supports rotation, and durable. Do not use the handle of the roller that uses screws to hold the roll.
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