Sunday, July 31, 2016

House Minimalis More Donald Trump

Small Minimalist House Design More Donald Trump -
Donald Trump recently many are called in Indonesia, especially if there was not the presence of two political figures Indonesia is the President of the House of Novanto representatives and deputy chairman of the House Fadli Zon? which in a potential presidential Americans press conference, because many of the advantages and disadvantages of emerging about the presence of the House leadership that Donald Trump was washed coverage in the media in Indonesia.

Well this time we will get to know who the real Donald Trump, citing sadurkan our faithful blog visitors Tabloid Rumah Idaman, it has already been shot in the head six or exactly 68 years . Trump was born in Queens, New York, the fourth of five children. Like his father, Trump has inherited the expertise that builders and developers.

Although elderly, but Trump always energetic, gay, and authoritative. Perhaps few people know that, in fact, Trump once listed at the Military Academy in New York at age 13 to become more disciplined form a personality. He received military training very well, until finally becoming a respected student leader.

Trump worked for his father in the construction sector, before perfecting his intelligence at the Wharton School of Finance and graduated in 1968 with a degree in economics. In 1971, he moved to Manhattan and joined the family business.

personal wealth Trump have ups and downs, as the recession and the economic boom in the world. However, the success menabalkan Trump as one of the world's richest tycoons on the basis of real estate activity.

After passing through the ups and downs conditions increasingly inflated his business empire, is greater than ever. Included in terms of ownership which leads him to have a net worth of $ 10 billion.

Trump noted to have 17 clubs and golf resorts. Other Trump National Doral in Miami, Trump Golf Links at Ferry Point, New York, and the Turnberry Resort in Scotland.

"I have wonderful memories with my father when visited Doral Resort to play golf. Even if he has not a lot of golf game, it has a swing that is amazing. It is the most beautiful memories of the time we spend time and play golf together, "recalls Trump.

Unfortunately, the glory and prestige of Doral Resort faded on the bidding process and sale by its owner on the market capital of Wall Street. Trump was interested, and bought for $ 150 million. He then renovate the property of class a more to restore his memory along her beloved father.

"We are renovating and creating a golf experience that is dramatic. We are building a golf course 72 holes, making it the best choice in this country, "said Trump.

He spent 250 million US dollars to juggle Doral Resort became the best golf courses, as well as construction of pavilions, Janapada and 700 rooms is world class.

Doral Resort name has been transformed into Trump National Doral, and became one of the iconic Miami. According to him, Miami is the most active region in the world, and there is nothing better than Trump Doral Natonal minutes from Miami International Airport. Trump National Doral is now the permanent venue for the PGA Tour.
Meanwhile, Trump Golf Links at Ferry Point, is a masterpiece of Jack Nicklaus. This area is designed as an open first golf course to the public after 52 years as a political commodity.

"I have been approached by many people over the years because of Ferry Point is a disaster. Everyone benefited from this place. I turn into a class facility, "said Trump.

In the twists long struggle for existence as a real estate developer Trump was once a television series that is loved. The series The Apprentice, a real show (reality show) on the challenges of running a course in business since 04.
Trump memfavoriti a competitor that Omarosa. He played in a memorable season. Trump as a vote tough competitor, "evil", and intelligent. Omarosa character that encourages The Apprentice broadcast television has become number one in America.

Despite a successful building of the kingdom of the Trump Organization, Trump apparently prefer the Bible above all as the constitution. In a statement to the Worldpropertychannel, he said: "If we do not have the Bible, the constitution will probably never written"

This Trump, the entrepreneur who never forgot the. experience his first kiss growing up.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

House Minimalis Yuk Peering Asian Kitchen Set design

Small Minimalist House Design Yuk Peering Asian Kitchen Set design -
The kitchen is a place that often move mainly housewives, because he was a good husband noticed this place with kitchen design so our comfortable and excited women and not feel bored linger in the kitchen, and can also promote a sense of pride in the kitchen design.

well this time Tabloid Rumah Idaman will design "Asian design together" where the beauty of the design kitchen can bring Asian tranquility and peace to those who seek him, because of the impression naturally very dominant and a blend of soft colors are residents remain.

for those of you who will build a kitchen, perhaps "set design of Asian cuisine" as inspiration and ideas attributed to his beloved wife ...

Friday, July 29, 2016

House Minimalis Traveled Philippine Cabinet Kitchen

Small Minimalist House Design Traveled Philippine Cabinet Kitchen -
This time we'll PEEK kitchen cabinet designers results of our neighboring countries, namely the Philippines, in general, the design is almost identical to Indonesia results of a design kitchen design, the difference is the color of the game design " Philippine kitchen cabinet" prefers soft colors with little contrast game, and the layout of the furniture is simple.

the use of solid wood for furniture for the office that could last a long time and also do not forget to install the hood ?? hood as when frying or cooking as the firm on a relatively close distance from the bottom of the cabinet, and the only thing that memingkinkan philipine kitchen design is almost the same size with the average kitchen in Indonesia that many embraced kitchen design minimalist.

to those that the concept of choosing the concept of minimalist home does not hurt the design Dapu philipine as a reference for the construction minimalist kitchen ... .

Thursday, July 28, 2016

House Minimalis Do Choose Bad Paint Tool

Small Minimalist House Design Do Choose Bad Paint Tool -
In addition to the quality of the paint and mix colors to paint the tool also has an important role to produce paintings conform to our wishes, such than; brush and roller. When a brush and also a time when you have to wear roller careful in using these tools because it follows we will share how to choose the right painting tools ....

consists of three parts: hair brushes, handles and metal fixation from these two together. bristle brush, can be animal hair or synthetic fibers, arranged and bonded with solid resin. Choose a brush bristles tapered on the edges. It makes the soft brush. conical bristle brushes are a sign of quality brushes. Do not choose the base and thick fur brush tip.

Brush the cost is usually wearing a short coat that is supported by pieces of wood in the shape of V to make it look thicker. This brush can not absorb paint well and short hairs tend to leave scars kuasan (brush mark) on the paint. While a good brush with a whisk broom and it can absorb more paint and produce more subtle layers of paint, so it does not leave scars kuasan. Such a brush is ideal if we want a good result, especially in the paint with a glossy (shiny).

In general, hair brushes of animals used for oil paintings. bristle brushes are best. Do not use a brush fur with water-based paints (water based) for fur animals absorb water, so it expands and undisciplined. Nylon or polyester brush most suitable for water-based paints because synthetic fibers absorb water and therefore will not inflate.
Use a brush with a width of 3-5 inches to paint the walls or large surfaces. A small brush to paint furniture, frames or parts that require greater precision.

If you buy a quality brush, clean thoroughly after each use so it can be used repeatedly. Or you can buy brushes are cheap, if you are quite satisfied with the results, and remove once finished will be used.

is the best tool for painting large surfaces such as walls or ceilings. Selecting the appropriate roll for a particular type of work is important. Cheap roll (polyester) tend to be more paint splashes, easily separated fibers and left in the paint. Fleece (wool) is the best material because it absorbs more paint, rarely leaves scars, and not much paint splatters.

To work with enamel paint, for example, to doors and walls in the kitchen, use a mohair material roll (delicate feathers of some type of goat). Adjust the size of the roll with the type of work. The thickness of the fiber / fleece depending on surface conditions, the type of paint, and see the desired results.

Using the thin roll (less than? Inch) to paint a bright (bright) or slightly glossy (semi-gloss) on the flat wall, for example plaster, floors and walls in general. Roll thick 3/8 inch to 1 inch is used to paint on the walls is uneven, for example, interior walls in general, concrete, sand and textured walls

Several types of Special roll :.
1. angle of roll - to paint the corner and the border wall
2. Roll packing - .. 3 inches long, according to repaint the narrow field
3. radiator roll - with a diameter ? . Inches, according to repaint the back of the radiator, toilet, and a water heater
4. Special roller to paint surfaces such as pipes and round pillars
5. Foam Roller -. Repainting and wrought iron staircase grid

Adhesion roll with a 3-5 wire rod from one end to be able to withstand well the roller supports rotation, and durable. Do not use the handle of the roller that uses screws to hold the roll.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

House Minimalis Tips for buying a house in the complex housing

Small Minimalist House Design Tips for buying a house in the complex housing -
Buy a house in a residential complex is a way to get home is the most convenient and fast, it either a new home or existing home, but still there are certain things that must be you care to meet the desires and needs of all the inhabitants of the house. The number of options offered by some developers offer housing from the type of simple houses and luxury, and the concept of the house is a minimalist house modern and minimalist so that potential buyers are confused how to select.

While the first factor do you think is the construction quality factor, to determine the quality of the building you have to look at the ingredients and materials used, and the builders who worked on the construction of the house, if you do not understand this, you can use the appropriate consultants in the art.

below are some of the social factors you need pertimbangankan before buying a new house or used in a housing:

  1. 1. Select the slot near the area of ​​education and shopping. Your child will go to school and to cook the necessary groceries. Well, try the home you buy its location near the area of ​​education and the market, to make it easier when your child should go to school and when shopping for everyday cooking .
  2. Select the location of the accommodation can be reached from the workplace. Would be hard to imagine if every day you need a travel time of over 2 hours to get to the office. In addition to cost waste fuel / trip, as well as loss of time and energy it not?
  3. Select accommodation that is easily accessible from the main line. Many developers advertisements stating that his residence just 10 minutes from the turnpike / bus terminal. But who would have thought that this only happens only at midnight, and be 1 hour during the day due to traffic congestion were outstanding. Check one before the test at different times
  4. Select a unit that has adequate infrastructure. Surely it would be very beneficial for you and your family if the developer has prepared a vital infrastructure such as roads, sewers, electricity, water / taps and additional facilities such as playgrounds, sports facilities, supermarket, clinics, hygiene and safety. In addition, if the provision of the infrastructure built together in the area that is close to your home
  5. Select a flood free housing. How can we live in peace, if every rainy season flooded your home? So try to choose a location free of flooding so you do not have to sport at the heart of every rainy season
  6. Select residential building quality homes, it can be considered. Why buy a new home, if only a busy year already suffered serious damage. Make a checklist when checking the house to buy, from the foundations, floors, walls, thresholds, ceilings, roofs and so on. Check carefully before buying, if necessary, invite the people you think you are an expert in the field of construction, rather than regret it later
  7. Select accommodation managed by a credible developer. There are so many developers are popping up today. Choose a developer who has good credibility, so if there are complaints of home buyers immediately respond correctly and not even get out of hand. To find out, do not hesitate to ask some owners in the residential area of ​​quality of service developers over the years.
  8. Select the type of accommodation that fits your life. This is not to discriminate against human dignity, but we must also consider the environmental character of the occupants aka your future neighbors. Think later you feel uncomfortable or even trouble because of this thing.

Monday, July 25, 2016

House Minimalis Getting to know your LED Room Lamp For

Small Minimalist House Design Getting to know your LED Room Lamp For -
kiita of all should be aware of LED lamps are more efficient electricity, but there are still many Indonesian people are still not using LED lamps, the main reason is because of its price ranged between 50-1000 rupiah, but so is the price is relatively cheap in comparison with the lights murahpun for example, on the market there lights that cost 6,000 rupees, but its resistance only 6 months, in contrast with LED lights can last up to 12 years, and you must consider is the watch no more than 10 shows so they can save 50 % of your electricity consumption

If you are interested please see the first couple of things you need to know about LED lighting :.

1. Forget the unit Watt
If you normally always take watts, now consider light on LED lights. The light shine. 6-9 Watt LED lights can produce 450 lumens, equivalent to an incandescent bulb of 60 watts.

2. Choose a warm color to the occupation
For lighting residential interior, usually the selected type of incandescent lamp is light yellow. This color is considered to give a warm image of space. In the standard color LED lights, the level of "hot" light is measured in degrees Kelvin. You can select LED in the range of 2700-3500 Kelvin.

3. Investment
Using LED could be seen as an investment, because the costs you incur when purchasing will be repaid with savings during use. It can be expected, the use of LED 6-8 Watt in a year requires a power of 329 kilowatts. For comparison, an incandescent bulb of 60 watts in the same brightness, 3285 Kilowatt requires a power supply within a year.

4. Dim light or as cheap
Using a dimmer to adjust the light attenuation of light affects the amount of electrical energy used . But not with the LED. You can buy a LED that is already complete with dimmers, and much higher in a level of maximum intensity, the used electric power remains the same.

5. Must release heat
When enabled, an LED lamp is cold, but that does not mean LEDs do not produce heat like an incandescent bulb standard. The difference is, the heat withdrawn by the LED heat sink to the base of the lamp, then the heat is delivered to the air.

When the LED is placed in a separate enclosure, the heat is being trapped in this space. In the long term, this condition can damage the durability of the LED lamp itself.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

House Minimalis Scent Room No Mahal

Small Minimalist House Design Scent Room No Mahal - costs
To eliminate unpleasant odors in the room in our house on the market is because many types and kinds of air freshener, even the last no perharum room that could work automatically, but you have to spend quite expensive

When you create, with a cost of sufficient capital, you can scent your room, if you are interested please refer to the following :.

1. Warm and soft
Drain oranges, cloves and cinnamon until consistency closed. Place the timber in a bowl and add a little oil and spices. This mixture will produce a warm, sweet scent.

2. Scented candles
need to buy, you can make your own scented candle in a practical way. Choice of certain flowers with fragrance you like and place the small pieces in the container. Melt the wax and pour into a container of parts of interest for each piece completely enclosed. In addition to flowers, you can also use coffee beans which are less fragrant.

Finally, the gel in the fridge. You can place the candles in the corner of the house to decorate the room.

3. Essential oils
The use of essential oils is much more effective than deodorant spray because the aroma of essential oils are more durable. Do not hesitate to incorporate two or three types of essential oils to achieve the desired fragrance.

Place in a ceramic container which can be heated with a candle, so that the essential oils can evaporate more quickly. Let the steam filled the space to the fragrance evenly.

4. Citrus
To create a fresh scent, you can enjoy all kind of orange. Cut the oranges in terms of putting in a small saucepan. Add water and mint leaves. Bring to a boil and transfer to a glass container. Put in the middle of the room and let the refreshing aroma of occupation.

5. ornamental flowers
One of the most practical is to display ornamental flowers that have a distinctive fragrance. Examples are lavender leaves, rosemary and laurel. Mix and match all three and place it in a beautiful vase.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

House Minimalis Bathroom Design Bathroom tiny

Small Minimalist House Design Bathroom Design Bathroom tiny -
bathroom in the 1980s as a place that does not receive the attention, perfunctory built on the fundamental need is a place to cleanse the body only, unlike the recent developments room to look more beautiful and artistic, and biayanyapun not kidding, it could exceed the figure of 5 million just for a bathroom.

Well here we share a luxurious bathroom in close up, if you happen to look for the bathroom design but the room were prepared following the close sangt can be used as reference material the image below is taken from several sound designers outside ....

source of design and image: http: //