Saturday, October 7, 2017

House Minimalis 10 Bathroom Natural Minimalist Elegant Nan

Small Minimalist House Design 10 Bathroom Natural Minimalist Elegant Nan -

Of course, you need to consider the use of natural materials such as stone, wood, and so when you want a bathroom minimalist design natural shades. This is important because natural materials are elements that can create a kind of atmosphere in your minimalist bathroom designs. If you are a nature lover and do not want to destroy nature, you can use the synthesis of natural materials, such as synthetic wood floors.

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You can apply natural ingredients to the bathroom some surfaces such as walls, floors, furniture and decoration. To the ground, it would more impressive if you can apply a wood floor because it will give a great effect. This will not only create a natural flavor for your bathroom, but also bring the feel of a spa in your bathroom in accordance with the modern home.

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porcelain ceramic can also be applied to floors to your bathroom. However, the ceramic porcelain is very dangerous. This will make the floor slippery when wet. You can outsmart using ceramics that were "polish" so that the surface becomes rough. You can also add some small stones on the ground to swell the surface of the floor making it safer and add to the natural feel. When it is less, you can make your bathroom space and outside, you can add a bit of glass on your bathroom that feels more nuanced wild. You can also use the wall stone bermaterial.

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If the application Bathroom Design natural wood furniture, of course, will look less natural, but it would be much better than having the bathroom plain looks. You should not add a lot of furniture in the bathroom. It will make your bathroom look cramped. To reveal the natural style, you just need to add plants and taste toiletries.

Bathroom Design Minimalist

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This 10 rooms naturally elegant minimalist bathroom , do not forget to feed us know that the design of your favorite on facebook we Fanpage yes :)

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