Tuesday, September 26, 2017

House Minimalis Powerful Ways Home Place Plugs Sate Hockey

Small Minimalist House Design Powerful Ways Home Place Plugs Sate Hockey -

The position of the house Skewer believe people are not good in terms of feng shui. However, do not worry too much for the house with the side street (pin position) there are also many advantages.

The Housing developers recognize that there are difficulties in the sale of the house with this position. But do not worry, for those who want to sell a house with a skewer or a position for those who had already bought a house with this position there are many ways and tips on how to make this position can be transformed into good. The house this position is usually a home directly facing right on the road.

rumah tusuk sate

A risk of a house with a spindle position quickly moving vehicle that can break live at home, endangering residents. Besides dust can enter the house with ease, especially at night to highlight the car shining directly into our homes.

Eitss..Lantas, what advantage the position of the house skewer?

House with skewer position from the perspective of feng shui is not good because there are negative elements or so-called Sha Qi. However, in the world of architecture, home Skewer has its advantages, namely the cool breeze and large can freely enter the house so that the air circulation in the house better.

Another advantage is the movement of vehicles at home with this position usually less, so the house skewers calmer and not sebising house in another area.

are there other benefits?

there of course, for those of you who want to do business and not open, the position of this house can be seen from all directions making it profitable for those who wish to do business. And usually at home in the slightly wider skewer position than the other house.

How to Bring Home Plugs Sate Hockey?

In order to position this home brings hockey is to create a garden in front of the house, so as to reduce the negative energy on the road, as well as a filter or filter dust on the road. In addition, you can move the main door so it is not directly a straight line facing the street. Another way is to build the fence (to be closed) in order to reduce the negative energy (Sha Qi) in the house.

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