Monday, August 21, 2017

House Minimalis 10 Picture Beautiful Dining Room Minimalist

Small Minimalist House Design 10 Picture Beautiful Dining Room Minimalist -

The pictures of the dining room minimalist existing Internet has been incalculable, but for this article, summarize in 10 minimalist design of the dining room are amazing and beautiful.

, in addition to the living room, a gathering place for the family is in the dining room. Not only the family, guests and friends who came with us, we are also invited to sit down and eat together. Thus, a comfortable dining room and beautiful is very important in a house

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Here are 5 factors that can make the dining room crowded you become more comfortable and visible minimalist :.

1. Minimalist chairs

Select minimalist chairs are beautiful and comfortable with a pillow or comfortable lembat folder. If you do not like the minimalist chairs, you can choose more significantly dining chairs comfortably seated and does not heat.

2. LED lighting

You certainly do not want to eat in the dimly lit room is not it? The best solution is good for one or more pieces of the window near the dining room, so that the lunch you do not have to turn on the lights because there is already light at the entrance naturally. But, do not forget to add a chandelier or wall lamp in your dining room so it looks more warm and comfortable when dinner.

3. packaging Ornaments

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Flowers or synthesis plant (dried plants) which is placed on a small table will make the atmosphere of your cooler and living food.

4. Wall

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Professional designers always seek to use all means to keep the room which although narrow looks to be more spacious and comfortable, so elegant interior design is necessary.

In the dining room, we can take advantage of wall space for storage shelf, closet pantry, or painting or photograph your family.

5. Selection of materials for floors

The materials for the floor that is usually used in homes are wooden or tiled floors. These two materials is more durable in use because tidah dirty easily and is easy to clean when there is no food drops or stains. Rather, we suggest to use the wood floor because if you live in an area near the mountains, it will rapidly cool tiled floors. However, if your house is already terlanjut install tile floors, you can use the rug under the dining room table as shoes.

The pictures of the dining room is more beautiful minimalist

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