Thursday, April 27, 2017

House Minimalis Recognize Design of a bathroom door model (Complete!)

Small Minimalist House Design Recognize Design of a bathroom door model (Complete!) -

Model Desain Pintu Kamar Mandi

The room door is a very important part in a home. Likewise with the other doors are no less important and must be considered when building a house.

When selecting a model of the door to the bathroom, do not forget to adjust the model home design now.

Currently, minimalist home is in great demand by the public. With a minimalist home, then you should be able to select images and design of the door of the bathroom accordingly. Because the door to the bathroom that make your home not only beautiful, but also comfortable for all residents of the house

Here are ideas and inspiration bathroom door bathroom equipment you need know:.

1. Shower Door Slide

Pintu Kamar Mandi Geser (5)

A bathroom door again a trend today is the gateway to the sliding bathroom. With a model of this door, so the bathroom you will obviously look more spacious.

Pintu Kamar Mandi Geser (6)

Usually, the material used for this type of sliding doors are plastic, so it will be easily moved and not heavy.

Advantages: door model is easy to clean. Also, the bathrooms in your home will look more trendy and modern

Weakness: .. should have a high load-bearing structure to hang over

2. Shower glass door

Pintu Kamar Mandi Kaca (8)

glass bathroom door there are also two types, namely using the clear and frosted glass. You can specify the type of glass to taste

If you liked the cleanliness of the sliding door of the bathroom with glass material can be selected

Benefits :. . seem luxurious and elegant, can get more space in the shower us with putting objects such as sinks, garbage to a storage room

Weakness :. small crack on the glass can cause the whole glass part totally destroyed and can not be used

3. Shower door aluminum

Pintu Kamar Mandi Aluminium2

aluminum material has been proven durable to water, it can not be easily corroded so often in water by direct contact.

In the present era, the door not only used for entry and exit, but the door designs beautiful and elegant will definitely make the interior design of your home more beautiful and attractive

Benefits :. sustainable, so it is maintenance repainted / improvement

weakness: .. if you want to change the color of the door, it can not be endorsed

4. PVC Shower door (vinyl)

Pintu Kamar Mandi PVC (1)

Pintu Kamar Mandi PVC (2)

Model door is already widely used in residential Indonesia, and more its attractive design, the material is also very light and resistant to water very easy to use.

In addition to the door of the house, a lot of building materials using PVC (polyvinyl chloride), such as the ceiling of the house and so on.

Advantages: PVC material is adapted to the door of the bathroom because it is able to cope with humidity

weakness :. light weight, so that most people can not and do not want to apply the PVC door because it is considered less strong.

5. Wooden door Shower

Pintu Kamar Mandi Kayu (3)

wooden door bathroom does not have the classic air that the design of other doors

Benefits :. very nice. and adapted to the design of the classic house, clean and elegant

weakness :. so often in direct contact with water, it can be quickly outdated and need regular maintenance

Therefore, to complement the beauty home, and choose the right shower door. Choose a bathroom door as original model building. It is equally important to note that in the choice of materials for the bathroom door to be used. You must also apply an appropriate and qualified ceramic model, so that the sliding shower door you do not quickly broken

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