Sunday, April 30, 2017

House Minimalis Collection Petite Maison Interior Design Ideas Minimalist

Small Minimalist House Design Collection Petite Maison Interior Design Ideas Minimalist -

House is a shelter that protects from the sun and rain wet. A dream home will make home owners decorate the house in accordance with the wishes of the owner in accordance with the concept and the desired theme. Playhouse minimalist is an ideal home for a small family, combined within a small, simple minimalist home and make a home in a comfortable haven for all family members.

Idea Interior Small Houses and Minimalist

Interior rumah mungil Interior rumah mungil

Desain interior dengan warna cerah
interior design with bright colors

interior apartemen minimalis (7)

the auditorium with a minimalist design trend is a house right now. The small house minimalistic be an option for a small family with a small amount of family members. However, with the condition of a small house interior is just necessary that the house may seem more spacious

Read :. Roving Interior Design Minimalist Type 36

Desain Interior Rumah Minimalis Type 36 (4)

Minimalist design house tends to have a simple design with horizontal and vertical lines form the company. Colors are pinned on a minimalist home trend neutral colors like white, gray or black. However, if the condition of a small house with a minimalist design, the interior of a small house that needs to be considered is the simple and versatile layout

Read:.! What Roving Interior Minimalist luxury This One

Desain Interior Rumah Sederhana

Councils of the cramped interior of the first is to use bright colors to give the piece of printing White. Then place the furniture that has multiple functions. As guests at a table storage of goods. You can search the web for the design of furniture that has multiple functions to save space.

interior apartemen minimalis (8)


Further guidance in managing a small space in your small house is placed on certain areas such as a lounge. The function of these mirrors will give effect to a larger space in your rooms. Choose a mirror with a large with an attractive design that can be a decoration in your room.

interior apartemen minimalis (6)
interior design using soft colors

Interior auditorium , in essence, is how to decorate a tiny room to make it look wider and wider. With these tips are accurate and precise, you get a tiny room but still comfortable to live.

Did not get your favorite design? Yuk more :. 7 kinds of colors Interior Design Most Popular

Saturday, April 29, 2017

House Minimalis 10 Collection Plan Houses Type 36 Minimalist comfortable

Small Minimalist House Design 10 Collection Plan Houses Type 36 Minimalist comfortable -

minimalist home is one of the model homes that have become the target of home seekers, both for newly married couples and families with a small number of family members. Available in several types of types that can be adapted to the abilities and budget. For newly married couples, the type 36 is the appropriate type for you. You can choose type of house plan 36 according to your wishes and your partner.

10 type of house plan 36 model Minimalist

denah rumah sederhana type 36

the main dining room should have a house already present in terms of design from the top: 1 master bedroom, 1 child's bedroom, 1 garage, kitchen, terrace, dining room and living room, Equipped with a beautiful garden and green create a minimalist kind 36 above becomes soft and comfortable.

denah rumah type 36

Denah Rumah Type 36

house with a minimalist model is a house according to newly married couples today. The model is simple with play of lines and colors that will make the house into a beautiful home. Coupled with the interior design and right will make your home a more pleasant place to live.
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gambar denah rumah type 36 4

House Type 36 is a small adjustment of the house to a newly married couple. The offer price is not so high, so it will not hurt the economy of newly married couples. Although the house you type is 36, but you can still develop if you have a new family member in the middle of your wedding. Therefore, you must choose a type of house plan 36 that can be adjusted later if you want to create more relieved houses.

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Minimalist house construction type 36 is simple with the appropriate jurisdictional planning is one of the buildings in your house to make it look more spacious and relieved being busy. With type 36 had a smaller space needs a little touch and tricks to make the room more spacious. You can discuss with developers or architect to design the house and the interior design of your home.
denah rumah type 36 Denah Rumah Type 36

By plotting type of house plan 36 carefully, you will get a dream home for you, your spouse and your family later. The house is not only a shelter against the sun or rain wet. However, the house is a place where families will discuss and interact with each other in a harmonious family relationship.

denah rumah sederhana type 36

Friday, April 28, 2017

House Minimalis 12 Houses Map 3 Bedroom Minimalist 3D

Small Minimalist House Design 12 Houses Map 3 Bedroom Minimalist 3D -

house plan 3 minimalist rooms is an excellent choice for those who will build a house.

The composition of the room that has the number 3 rooms are suitable for families. In addition, for those who have a number of family members of more than three people, then this is the plan right choice when designing the house. House provides 3 bedrooms 1 floors can also be customized with a minimalist home. But it is necessary to be considered when developing the plan of the house, so that the results can be interesting and beautiful. Not only has the function but has an aesthetic value in the house.

12 Plan Houses 3 Bedroom 3D Minimalist

Denah rumah 3 kamar (2)

Three bedrooms in placing two small adjacent rooms is appropriate. Moreover, the most spacious rooms of this design is the living room. At the rear of the house there is also a place to rest while enjoying the fresh air on potted greenery in the morning.

Denah rumah 3 kamar (1)
Under the plan, which should be of concern is the room layout room. Because the reception room to sleep and rest, so the rooms position should pay attention to privacy of the home owner. Therefore, the manufacturing floor plan with 3 bedrooms must be protected privacy. Especially in the master bedroom. If the position of the master bedroom is not visible from the living room, so if there is a position of B & B is not visible. For example, the position of the master bedroom was next to the living room. Thus, access from the living room and was not seen when guests come. Alternatively, create access to the entrance of the bedroom from the living room.

Denah rumah 3 kamar (3) Denah rumah 3 kamar (4)

Denah rumah 3 kamar (5) Denah rumah 3 kamar (6)

Then, at the 2 bedroom another is on the right or left of house plans position . Because the position of the rooms are located in the rear area of ​​the room can be seen from the living room. Refer the question on aspects of privacy in the space of the room. After that, the rest of the other plans are in the cultivated area behind the house plans, such as kitchens, bathrooms and dining room. Usually for 3 bedrooms house plans, they make use of multifunctional aspects. As the application of a family room with a dining room or a dining room with a kitchen to save space.
Denah rumah 3 kamar (7) Denah rumah 3 kamar (8) Denah rumah 3 kamar (9) Denah rumah 3 kamar (10)

The final step in the preparation of a simple house plan 3 bedroom finished. In this case must be made is the choice of colors and design of the rooms. Trying to choose color elements capable of animating the atmosphere in the room. If you have a concept of modern minimalist house, it could use a mix of colors. You can choose the color combination of creative freedom, as long as the appropriate choice of colors and harmonious. Besides giving an accent that can represent your personality in the room

Read also :. 20 Wallpaper Room Bright Color

Denah rumah 3 kamar (11) Denah rumah 3 kamar (12)

denah rumah 3 kamar minimalis (1)

denah rumah 3 kamar minimalis (2)

denah rumah 3 kamar minimalis (3)

denah rumah 3 kamar minimalis (4) denah rumah 3 kamar minimalis (5)

denah rumah 3 kamar minimalis (6)

denah rumah 3 kamar minimalis (7)

therefore, some comments on Construction 3 bedroom house plans . Can be useful for all readers

Denah rumah 3 kamar (2)

Thursday, April 27, 2017

House Minimalis Recognize Design of a bathroom door model (Complete!)

Small Minimalist House Design Recognize Design of a bathroom door model (Complete!) -

Model Desain Pintu Kamar Mandi

The room door is a very important part in a home. Likewise with the other doors are no less important and must be considered when building a house.

When selecting a model of the door to the bathroom, do not forget to adjust the model home design now.

Currently, minimalist home is in great demand by the public. With a minimalist home, then you should be able to select images and design of the door of the bathroom accordingly. Because the door to the bathroom that make your home not only beautiful, but also comfortable for all residents of the house

Here are ideas and inspiration bathroom door bathroom equipment you need know:.

1. Shower Door Slide

Pintu Kamar Mandi Geser (5)

A bathroom door again a trend today is the gateway to the sliding bathroom. With a model of this door, so the bathroom you will obviously look more spacious.

Pintu Kamar Mandi Geser (6)

Usually, the material used for this type of sliding doors are plastic, so it will be easily moved and not heavy.

Advantages: door model is easy to clean. Also, the bathrooms in your home will look more trendy and modern

Weakness: .. should have a high load-bearing structure to hang over

2. Shower glass door

Pintu Kamar Mandi Kaca (8)

glass bathroom door there are also two types, namely using the clear and frosted glass. You can specify the type of glass to taste

If you liked the cleanliness of the sliding door of the bathroom with glass material can be selected

Benefits :. . seem luxurious and elegant, can get more space in the shower us with putting objects such as sinks, garbage to a storage room

Weakness :. small crack on the glass can cause the whole glass part totally destroyed and can not be used

3. Shower door aluminum

Pintu Kamar Mandi Aluminium2

aluminum material has been proven durable to water, it can not be easily corroded so often in water by direct contact.

In the present era, the door not only used for entry and exit, but the door designs beautiful and elegant will definitely make the interior design of your home more beautiful and attractive

Benefits :. sustainable, so it is maintenance repainted / improvement

weakness: .. if you want to change the color of the door, it can not be endorsed

4. PVC Shower door (vinyl)

Pintu Kamar Mandi PVC (1)

Pintu Kamar Mandi PVC (2)

Model door is already widely used in residential Indonesia, and more its attractive design, the material is also very light and resistant to water very easy to use.

In addition to the door of the house, a lot of building materials using PVC (polyvinyl chloride), such as the ceiling of the house and so on.

Advantages: PVC material is adapted to the door of the bathroom because it is able to cope with humidity

weakness :. light weight, so that most people can not and do not want to apply the PVC door because it is considered less strong.

5. Wooden door Shower

Pintu Kamar Mandi Kayu (3)

wooden door bathroom does not have the classic air that the design of other doors

Benefits :. very nice. and adapted to the design of the classic house, clean and elegant

weakness :. so often in direct contact with water, it can be quickly outdated and need regular maintenance

Therefore, to complement the beauty home, and choose the right shower door. Choose a bathroom door as original model building. It is equally important to note that in the choice of materials for the bathroom door to be used. You must also apply an appropriate and qualified ceramic model, so that the sliding shower door you do not quickly broken

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

House Minimalis 12 Figure Sofa single Minimalistic and Creative

Small Minimalist House Design 12 Figure Sofa single Minimalistic and Creative -

gambar sofa minimalis (1)

Sofa minimalism can be interpreted as a long chair that has arms and back, foaming upholstery (upholstery)

sofa Photos for the living room and family room dream house you can choose yourself because now different models minimalist chair or sofa you can get as easily as a classic, a modern, contemporary style it is you hung up at home sitting on the couch. Armchair model looks beautiful, unique, beautiful and charming certainly give its own atmosphere to live and family, as an image for your sofa minimalist home.

12 Figure Sofa Minimalist Unique

gambar sofa minimalis (4)
choice of the editor: minimalist design sofa above reason was chosen as the choice an editor, because in addition to the model and the unique shape, there is also buffers that can be thrown as a folder, so multifunctional. EXCEPTIONAL!

gambar sofa minimalis (2)

gambar sofa minimalis (3)

chair minimalist sofa is one of the important needs in the living room or family room. ascetic importance of a chair that was used as the interior of the living room to a chair can not be ignored.
gambar sofa minimalis (5) gambar sofa minimalis (6)

Fig sofa for a minimalist home can be found on the internet and so on that can help you as a reference when you are confused to choose a chair that matches your minimalist home. Because seat sofa is also used for seating guests, but also used as a decoration inside the minimalist lounge.

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harmony and continuity between seat sofa combined with an interior design, furniture and additional accessories can add more beauty in a minimalist home room.

gambar sofa minimalis (9)

harmony in the selection of a sofa that can be collected minimalist sofa images facilitate the owners to choose a seat sofa to taste that adds a sense comfort in a minimalist house was built.

gambar sofa minimalis (10)

Photos of beautiful sofa can be used as an attractive option because it can beautify your home living so minimalist. But the color to adjust or harmonize with the paint on the living room wall.

gambar sofa minimalis (11)

chair minimalist sofa is the solution for homes with limited space. Besides being a place to sit, need sufficient space in the living room should also be considered in selecting or designing a chair.

gambar sofa minimalis (12)

Maybe for those who have a large living room did not have a problem when selecting the type of chairs were so great for those with a minimalist home limited space, the selection or placement of the living room sofa is one of the important work.
gambar sofa minimalis (13)

looking at reference pictures for the sofa minimalist home as possible will help you determine a chair for your minimalist home.