Saturday, March 18, 2017

House Minimalis How to care for yourself easily Pool

Small Minimalist House Design How to care for yourself easily Pool -

Pool Contractors is someone who has contributed to the creation and structuring of a private pool or a game scene of the pool. The pool is a lot of water arena game used by water sport lovers. As we know, this water sport is a fun sport that loved each community. If you want to make a pool in the house, would have to hire a pool contractor and inspiration pictures of the pool.

kontraktor kolam renang

Like the river, the pool is always a special attraction. No wonder it feels so the pool of the arena is a vehicle that is highly visited tourist attractions. Each pool contractor, would have been formed to create a pool which is really interesting. In addition, the pool name really need care to provide comfort for the owners or people who take advantage of this pool

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How to care according to pool services pool contractors

Although generally outsources its own duty to take care of the pool, but it would be wise if we perform own pool maintenance the home. As for some tips on pool maintenance in compliance with the treatment regimen is usually carried out by a team of the contractor of the pool, as

  1. Check the level of water clarity

tingkat kejernihan air

If the water the pool in your house is dirty and cloudy, then you should immediately clean by replacing the water. If the leaves that fall into the pond, you can retrieve it by taking pole with a net.

  1. The use of chlorine in water

Penggunaan Klorin dalam air

Make checks the chlorine content in your pool up to twice a week. Also, make sure the amount of chlorine used in the pool according to the pool area.

  1. Check the status of the pump

Memeriksa kondisi pompa

pump has a role to regulate traffic occurs in the pond water. To maximize the pump function and maintain its function, then you should regularly clean the filter and the pump pipe of at least one month twice

Read :. 10 incredible Indoor Swimming Pool

Yes, that's how care pool without using the services of pool contractor .

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