Friday, February 24, 2017

House Minimalis Minimalist design Greenhouse incredible

Small Minimalist House Design Minimalist design Greenhouse incredible -

greenhouse minimalist design did very little is found mainly in Indonesia, this is because the home-making costs much. Moreover, in terms of architectural design, also did little to build a greenhouse for must have experience and careful planning to make the greenhouse a solid and luxurious minimalist. I see also still rarely discussed in this greenhouse, so today we will discuss and learn more about this greenhouse.

Desain Rumah Kaca (1)

The walls of the exterior design of the house of this type is using a glass material, not bricks. Well, the benefits of this glass wall, there are several kinds. First, you can see the view outside or garden house with clearer and more complete. Second, your home will be more bright and clear. Finally, is the aesthetic value that can be added value to your house so it looks more luxurious and elegant.


Desain Rumah Kaca (2)

Desain Rumah Kaca (3)


However, everything has a certain advantage has a downside. One of the disadvantages of the most common of the greenhouse is your cost more to maintain the exterior of your home a few years after its creation. And Indonesia say I rarely build a greenhouse for fear of events that are not desirable, robbed, and so on. Therefore, Indonesia houses the design is more likely to look at the safety aspect as the main aspects and aesthetics that the second aspect.

Desain Rumah Kaca (4)

Minimalist design house has been very popular and in demand by Indonesia, particularly those living in complex and urban areas. Some types are in demand is the type 36, type 45 and type 50. These three types of houses do not include expensive and suitable for a young couple just married, because besides the price is relatively cheap, architectural design also nice and comfortable.

Later, we will also see the contents of minimalist green luxurious and dazzling it. Check it out !

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