Wednesday, January 4, 2017

House Minimalis Bathroom Design Tips Kost and Minimalist single

Small Minimalist House Design Bathroom Design Tips Kost and Minimalist single -

boarding rooms is also your bedroom should not be neglected, because, according to the survey we did, 75% percent of children boarding ignore their bedroom at the boarding house because they thought boarding room just for them to eat for a while, sleep, and leaves, whether for work or school.

but, you know, the rooms were clean and healthy reflects the personality of you who live in boarding houses while improving the health of your body?

the main problem faced by many people in the decoration or design room boarding is the size of the rooms are small and narrow so that most people being lazy to do the design rooms are minimalist and then carelessly put the things they have there. That's one reason why if you are someone who is not clean, then rented room you will look very messy and chaotic air.
But do not worry because design tips bathroom unique and minimalist boarding whoever follows can apply, because design tips bathroom unique and minimalist boarding we summarize convenient and easy to do.

How easy design minimalist room Kost

gambar kamar kost

1. First, understand the concept of minimalism and make you become a minimalist departure lounge concept.
In general, the concept of minimalist home is a simple concept, just put the furniture that is used in a boarding room and put furniture together with the other furniture. You can also start by drawing a map of your boarding room floor.

2. Second, is to use the multifunctional furniture. We will give some examples of multifunctional furniture that is popular and widely used. An example is the closet which can be used as a place to store all your clothes, TV shelf and a mirror.

Well, above the closet, you can put your luggage, such as suitcases, books or bags. Next to the bed, place a table as your table for the task (such as a desk study and a desk and a dining table)

already had the inspiration?

3. If you rent a room pension you for a long time, you can paint the walls of a room according to your wishes pension (read: Easy Ways to paint the walls or read only in category Interior Design ). Or install paper painted walls is

unique and minimalist boarding house design will make your stay feel more comfortable and freely. Now, wait no more, the time for action and started design of the departure lounge your own

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