Saturday, December 24, 2016

House Minimalis 8 Model modern bathroom ceramic

Small Minimalist House Design 8 Model modern bathroom ceramic -

Choose a tile bathroom design to interior design of the bathroom is very important because in addition to supporting the appearance of the home, but also for practical reasons.

8 Model Ceramic tiles modern Favourite bathroom

By choosing a tile pattern you need to adjust the concept and the size of the room, so if the concept of minimalist home then you need to look for ceramic simple design with bright colors, while if the concept of your traditional home then for reasons of natural tones such as wood or stone while for color who seek calm reason.

Model Keramik Kamar Mandi modern (1)

for the size of the bathroom tiles, then you must also adjust the size of the room, so if the room has a size reduced to a ceramic find that elongated medium, but if a large room, then for ceramics are also width.

Model Keramik Kamar Mandi modern (3)

do not forget to adjust the size of the tiles with a spacious bathroom, too.

Model Keramik Kamar Mandi modern (4)

Elegant and comfortable!

Model Keramik Kamar Mandi modern (7)

more room models tiled bathroom must also deal with security, because the bathroom was the same as the wet and slippery, so you should find a patterned ceramic complex that are personalized with the concept of the bathroom in order to alleviate slippery. Meanwhile, to maintain cleanliness then look ceramic easy to clean that does not leave a stain spots.

Model Keramik Kamar Mandi modern (9)

would be great if you choose abrasive ceramic and not slippery so that it remains safe, especially for the elderly.

Model Keramik Kamar Mandi modern (10)

also for the ceramic model on the bathroom floor and walls should also be different, so the bathroom is not monotonous, if the floor has a complex pattern, then find a simple patterned wall and vice versa. The colors should also be different, so if the ground with colored ceramic calmly while a wall looking bright color and vice versa, so there will be a balance inside the bathroom

Read also :. 8 bedroom decorating ideas design your bathroom

Model Keramik Kamar Mandi modern (5)

you can distinguish the pattern and color of the bathroom tiles to bathroom walls so that more harmonious .

Model Keramik Kamar Mandi modern (6)

choosing a bathroom tile model is very important to support the appearance of the bathroom, because ceramics, bathroom will a concept and color according to its function, so for the interior design of the bathroom do not miscast.

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