to the exterior wall of your home should choose paint that have properties of resistance to climate change, shraap
water resistant and mildew. As for the interior walls sebaikanya using paints that do not feel it is not harmful to health and environment friendly ...
The necessary equipment for painting such as:
1 . Brush, suitable for smaller wall areas / narrower
2. Roller, suitable for large field wall
3. spray tool, suitable for walls that are hard to reach ...
well ... the next we will count the need to paint the walls of your home and then you can calculate the required wall keseluhan paint your dream home ...
= Cat needs Size / Wall spacious 1 liter
the standard of the paint use (10-12) m2 / liter each coat.
for example, a room with a size of 3m x 4m. . With high walls 3m
Cat Needs is
= (2 x (3m + 4m)) x 3m / (12 m2 / liter)
= 14m x 3m / (12 m2 / liter)
= 42 m2 / (12 m2 / liter)
= 3.5 liters
This means that the needs of the room 3m x 4m Cat.
for 1x coating takes 3.5 liters
need for coating 2x 7 liters or 3 cans of paint @ 2.5 liters
Note :.
1 Cat canned contains 2.5 liters, there is also a 5 liter
1 bucket (= bucket) Cat contains 20 liters.
Dissolving or diluting with water by adding 5% to 25% of the amount of paint. Mix well before use.
For the painting is perfect, it takes a minimum of 2x coating.
When buying paint in the units kg
above formula, multiplied by the coefficient 1.4
1 x for coating needs 3.5 liters x 1.4 = 4.9 kg
2 x coatings takes 7 liters x 1.4 = 9.8 kg
How to calculate the area of a wall to be Cat, always tough, because not reduced by the hole in the wall, such as: doors, windows, vents, etc. ...
Under this calculator link painting to calculate the paint on the walls of the house ...
needs calculator Cat 1
calculator needs painting 2
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